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Hunting Dogs Europe

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Everything posted by Hunting Dogs Europe

  1. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate You only ever come on here to sell your overpriced shite....jog on Manchester , what do you know about hunting dogs ? An armchair hunter no doubt !! I know enough not to buy one of a peddling cnut like, you,get em on gumtree,youll be fine on there... stick to corrie you'd be better off wanker
  2. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate You only ever come on here to sell your overpriced shite....jog on Manchester , what do you know about hunting dogs ? An armchair hunter no doubt !!
  3. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate
  4. This is a litter from my personally owned bitch , that takes part in trials countrywide and I have decided to have a litter to expand my lines , half of the litter will be kept back for training, and the surplus will be available to , who I consider to be the right homes ( this is nothing to do with my business ) So why do you consider this to be puppy peddling
  5. https://www.gundogworld.co.uk/ads/pups-from-a-trial-winning-import-bitch/ Full details available from my website - http://www.huntingdogseurope.com
  6. https://www.gundogworld.co.uk/ads/pups-from-a-trial-winning-import-bitch/
  7. My HWV Molly Garamparty (IMP SVK) (AS1) At VENATORDREAM Gundogs Was mated 18/3/2017 Details of the Dam and Sire are available from my website
  8. Hi Planning a litter from my trial winning HWV bitch to establish my own lines, I'm thinking of using a french import dog owned and trained by Rory Major Any other stud recommendations would be appreciated Regards
  9. Hi Planning a litter from my trial winning HWV bitch to establish my own line , thinking of using a french import dog owned and trained by Rory Major Any other stud recommendations would be appreciated Regards
  10. Very helpful and passionate about GWPs BRYANTSCROFT GUNDOGs Rory and Jane Majorwww.bryantscroftgundogs.co.uk/
  11. HWV possibly the best all rounder you could want, for walked up / rough shooting and a dream to train
  12. Hi, just to let you know we have a superb working strain, male Border available, as an import from a top kennel in Slovakia http://www.huntingdogseurope.com
  13. Is he for sale? Have you got any photo's fat boy ? or are you just a plastic hunter?
  14. Is he for sale? He was sourced for a UK client !
  15. English Pointer with superb Czech / Italian lines
  16. Hi To give you a brief idea of how it works Firstly thank you for your enquiry As our website explains we have contacts with some of the top hunting kennels in central Europe, so are able to source the very best hunting dogs Europe has to offer Having a kennel in Slovakia and an agent who is probably one of the best in the business,puts me in a unique position when sourcing dogs, not only are we able to visit the dogs environment but we are able to view the dogs ability in a working test, my kennel can then organize all export pedigree, and vaccinations necessary for the dog to ente
  17. Most well bred and more importantly well trained pointers will do the work you have in mind , with ease Details of training and testing pointers in central Europe can be found on my website http://www.huntingdogseurope.com
  18. Hi Very nice video thank you for sharing it , what makes it more special for me is the narrator, a nice guy, friend and fellow competitor Regards
  19. Hi If you wanted similar looks to the weimaraner , but want true hunting passion and drive from a breed that is very biddable , try the SRHP, but as the weimaraner there are very few here in the UK that are true to the breed and demonstrate the drive of an imported dog I can send you details of a superb male SRHP if you like Regards
  20. An Introduction From A Fellow Hunter My passion for all things hunting, probably started as a young lad, encouraged by my father and late grandfather One of my earliest and fondest memories is of putting the terriers into a huge area of broken up and piled concrete run way, we then stood waiting with some wonderful long dogs ( the cross I now believe to be Malois x grey hound ) for the foxes to be pushed out, A superb day and a memory that has stayed with me for many years and probably the reason behind my obsession for terriers and all hunting dogs Current day I am very lucky t
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