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Hunting Dogs Europe

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About Hunting Dogs Europe

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Training and trialing HPRs - having trained a trial winning bitch I'm biased HWVs- I consider them to be superb all rounders and reasonably easy to train
    My other interests include- running a small shoot, wildfowling and a great passion for all breeds of hunting dog

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  1. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate You only ever come on here to sell your overpriced shite....jog on Manchester , what do you know about hunting dogs ? An armchair hunter no doubt !! I know enough not to buy one of a peddling cnut like, you,get em on gumtree,youll be fine on there... stick to corrie you'd be better off wanker
  2. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate You only ever come on here to sell your overpriced shite....jog on Manchester , what do you know about hunting dogs ? An armchair hunter no doubt !!
  3. Gun dogs and the sale of , not part of the hunting life !! I stand by my earlier comments or are you calling me a liar, Oh and by the way I'm not your mate
  4. This is a litter from my personally owned bitch , that takes part in trials countrywide and I have decided to have a litter to expand my lines , half of the litter will be kept back for training, and the surplus will be available to , who I consider to be the right homes ( this is nothing to do with my business ) So why do you consider this to be puppy peddling
  5. https://www.gundogworld.co.uk/ads/pups-from-a-trial-winning-import-bitch/ Full details available from my website - http://www.huntingdogseurope.com
  6. https://www.gundogworld.co.uk/ads/pups-from-a-trial-winning-import-bitch/
  7. My HWV Molly Garamparty (IMP SVK) (AS1) At VENATORDREAM Gundogs Was mated 18/3/2017 Details of the Dam and Sire are available from my website
  8. Hi Planning a litter from my trial winning HWV bitch to establish my own lines, I'm thinking of using a french import dog owned and trained by Rory Major Any other stud recommendations would be appreciated Regards
  9. Hi Planning a litter from my trial winning HWV bitch to establish my own line , thinking of using a french import dog owned and trained by Rory Major Any other stud recommendations would be appreciated Regards
  10. Very helpful and passionate about GWPs BRYANTSCROFT GUNDOGs Rory and Jane Majorwww.bryantscroftgundogs.co.uk/
  11. HWV possibly the best all rounder you could want, for walked up / rough shooting and a dream to train
  12. Hi, just to let you know we have a superb working strain, male Border available, as an import from a top kennel in Slovakia http://www.huntingdogseurope.com
  13. Is he for sale? Have you got any photo's fat boy ? or are you just a plastic hunter?
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