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Everything posted by willow

  1. willow


    naz would have won in what wolrd not this bill fed load of punch bags to make him look good just the same as khan same manager same old story fool the public were just waiting for him to start thanking allah
  2. willow


    st clair dint throw more than 50 punches joke
  3. willow


    warren will rap khan in so much cotton wool they will think hes turned white the only thing warren got or gives things free is bullets on barking town hall steps
  4. he mite have loss site off it :oops:
  5. have you got any pups out of him and how much is he
  6. but caspers a lurcher not a saluki henrry smith bred first xas long back as when laddy was running they were allways smooth
  7. definitely the fourth pic, its great. merry christmas
  8. We're having a shop bought turkey plus the pheasants and venison my big fella has caught for me to feed all my visiting relatives
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