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Everything posted by willow

  1. well done hows the cream rough dog bred
  2. carnt be fairer than that money back if they dont make the grade FAIRPLAY
  3. chaves vs randdall ray mancie fights hagler vs hearns great champions
  4. i missed it what was it about sounds worth a read
  5. nice one pics would be great
  6. been running round patio kicking stones
  7. john ebay 100w £2 something work well
  8. nicked my dads DUNLOP ones £10 off the market he wernt happy or these ones
  9. when you do a lot of cover there any many that last
  10. get a new screw that goes over the switch maplin cheap
  11. you can use fuczdin cream caught it off some pigs once it works wonders but they say it never leaves the body
  12. yes went today had good some great dog men there that no there dogs but i allways thought a working terrier should be spand well unless you no the judge champion of champions = a f*****g joke the second place had more chest than a saluki greyhond and i dont show dogs for honest dog man standing at the ring side were shaking there heads but a good show oh and thanks pat for the dvd
  13. spaniel xs terrier on begal x terrier ive found good bushers
  14. willow


    jennings to win styles makes fights
  15. bitch last year getting her up on her toes ready for the season to begin
  16. let her take her own xcise dry the milk up just had the same thing it took me a coulp of months for her to get right no rush
  17. i only own one now the black and white bitch i only bush mate rabbitts and that good at finding feather retrive anything a lad owns the black bitch on here another good cover dog
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