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Everything posted by willow

  1. many dogs people say is half x 1/8 3/4 bred look at punch dint look like a half x more racey than alot of half xs so its a bit of luck in my eyes BUT IAM ALLWAYS WRONG LURCHER X LURCHER WORKS FOR ME throu a bit of pure blood in every now and then
  2. its a gamble what ever you bred you just hope it comes with the bits in you need or want
  3. hes moved back to home the ppl wont help you now there
  4. sounded a good bitch there she was a realy handy do anything draw out of holes ferret rat lamp took some real big fellas on her own see her stop loads of 3 out of 3s on the fen she was a real gooden ONE of the best bitches I ever had was collie,whippet,x grey, Tinker, she could Hunt a field, as good as any field trial, springer spaniel,do her job, and carry back up into the van, when she was carrying back to me and she come up to sheep fence wire, she would nose the Hare through the wire, jump over, her self and pull the Hare through the wire, at five bar gates she would do the
  5. so realy the modern day boxing shows such as when lenny mcclain roy shaw keith fileds were very simular
  6. ss stuff slip leads and collars top stuff pink ones no one nicks them
  7. people will bred off average dogs so more rubbish that couldt catch a cold going on names of dogs not work ability so no
  8. use this for a coulp of years now :thumbs:
  9. sounded a good bitch there she was a realy handy do anything draw out of holes ferret rat lamp took some real big fellas on her own see her stop loads of 3 out of 3s on the fen she was a real gooden
  10. use straight wire more power goes throu
  11. has anyone got some odd coloured ferrets just like to see
  12. whippet coile greyhond candy took everything and anything day in day out caught 13 squirles on a golf course why we were ferreting a fox and 6 rabbits good bitch the old brindal bitch 12 there see her do everthing she was the start to luckys mothers side
  13. so a dog that will try and take anything PREY DRIVE ???? HARDNESS a dog that can take a foxs ect ect and do the job GAMENESS a dog that will try even when out on his feet some dogs will die so do they become DEAD GAME GOOD TOPIC
  14. a ferret resuce stall helps them out gave a donation as well
  15. richy AKA ( pissy leg ) you wernt alound in the tent with them unruley saluki x
  16. anyone got a small cocker dog
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