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Everything posted by willow

  1. YES IT IS untill its up for STUD
  2. worked a hob all last season as he was the only one i have bought two in the summer jill and hob worked them together same amout he was alot better bolted quicker the jill worked just slower the lad i gave her to says shes doing fine
  3. and was he any good hes says hes OK LMAO
  4. same as that,,saw a dog before wouldn't walk within 5 metres of any wire , sheep wire included, complete mental shutdown around electric fencing,, same here wouldt go near a hedge or fence ever again
  5. seen some real good ones lads dont want the attention some people carnt do the cheating YOU MUST RUN ON MY PLACE ??? = we no were the holes are SEEN IT That is true, a good dog can run on any land, Neutral ground, for a match, and a neutral to hold the money, but then they dont run AND FIND ANOTHER MUG THAT XCEPTS THERE WAY its bin seen many times
  6. seen some real good ones lads dont want the attention some people carnt do the cheating YOU MUST RUN ON MY PLACE ??? = we no were the holes are SEEN IT
  7. theres alot of great dogs that have never bin matched or anyone has herd about so its only the people who want a bit of FAME or to sell pups
  8. remember Munchausen syndrome by proxy
  9. Spewing in your car or spewing when you throw her out.
  10. just hope they have it right because over the years people have changed some of the dogs breding to suit there selfs so if in the begging its wrong the hole lots wrong
  11. did it come with saddall mate sorry mate very nice pup
  12. on top of the pump theres a box with the electics for the pump they go had one do 50 mile stop wouldt start till 2 hours later then do another 50 mile ect ect get someone to plug a comp in three things come up pump. sender unit and fule management system i changed all three BUT if you change the pump change the injecters i never then had to change the injecters running on shit diesel well the drum was
  13. thanks stop going after they refuse to see a dog i had
  14. last year sometime new vet in there shit wont see lurchers
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