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Ted Newgent

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Everything posted by Ted Newgent

  1. who has a streaming site for ufc tomorrow please
  2. Drop it into a sink of cold water give it a bit and it will come out go buy a vac sealer machine and start portioning your food best of luck not finding one not made in china
  3. I was in the riot in the Liverpool royal court when the beastie boys thought they were tough guys that went tits up rapidly lol bad week for me as I got CS gassed twice in one week good band to see live is suicidal tendencies amazing
  4. I promoted the Macc lads in my town we filled the place, bar got drunk dry that night what a night that was
  5. I thought there was Covid restrictions and no one can travel?
  6. There you go the old buffoon is sworn in we are doomed
  7. Holy shit were do I start with this!!! best gig was Noel Gallagher playing an acoustic set in a working mans club in Carlisle in Cumbria with Paul seller as warm up act. Couldn’t of been 200 in there. would loved to seen slayer again. I can’t even list the bands I have seen done 3 womad and 3 Glastonbury festivals travelled length and breadth of U.K. with a dance band in the 90s back stage in the hacienda in madchester numerous times motorhead in the Tiv in Buckley caused loss of hearing for 3 days. fun times
  8. Just on their FB page baiting them thanks for the link
  9. Very encouraging to actually see news like this thanks for the link
  10. Why don’t you make the base sauce then bag it into portion sizes??
  11. i cant believe you are buying day olds to feed fkn foxes give your head a good shake are you chrwis pweckhum
  12. Sharpening his scythe
  13. You should have plenty of room now you binned bread
  14. Wait for a chest freezer to quit with two deer and a moose in it you will be buttering that bread
  15. I was just going to post the exact thing get the feeling the dems are on full on attack mode on trump
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