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Ted Newgent

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Everything posted by Ted Newgent

  1. american werewolf in london made me laff a bit with the rozzers ripping around in rovers and cortinas apocalypse now fell a sleep 1/2 way thru
  2. he must have king round his house
  3. if she has been flushing tampons you need a rotor rooter i would be surprised if plunging will do it as my bet the tampons have built up on a joint in the sewer pipe outside the house. you might be better pulling the shitter off to see if its backed up actually in the drain. sounds like she needs her hands slapped how many shitters do you have in the house? 1 or 2? have the sinks backed up?
  4. well hello there you is back
  5. i am using snow goose or canadian goose breast strips i do have a fair amount of these so its the one to go first
  6. 44 minutes been a while since i last seen this one,epic shootout
  7. Not being funny but of all the “celebrity” deaths lately only honor blackman was dead by natural causes every other death was because of Cv19 surely to fck its bollocks
  8. this vid got banned off youtube and ofcom are banning it also this is the 2hrs of david icke interview https://banned.video/watch?id=5e8e28ed1f333e003a33793b
  9. i have smoked paprika,maybe i should try that also top tip leave the oven door open hen you make your jerky in the oven,dont close it. keep it slightly propped open ith a ooden spoon. trust me on this
  10. i actually seen it amongst the bbq sauces last week i should of grabbed a bottle
  11. interesting that he used liquid smoke that was going to be my next purchase and test
  12. I wish we could bbq middle of april and i still have 2 ft on snow in the garden and we are getting dumped on again
  13. Finally grabbed a scope for the rifle. not exactly sure if i am going to keep the scope just yet. picked up a minty second hand swavorski 4-12x50
  14. Just started this batch using a dry indian kebab mix i used a kobe bbq sauce once and that was really nice. Might try and find it again
  15. tread .........was alright,thought it would of been better shadow government............fckn shite/10 still working thru narcos mexico
  16. i just made jerky last week out of goose breast bbq sauce and chilli flakes. i use the oven to make mine. marinade the meat for a few days feed the slices thru metal keebab skewers and drop them on the oven wire rack making sure no two pieces of meat touch. stick the oven on PRE HEAT @175 degrees slide the oven rack into the top rack place a baking sheet below to catch the drips prop the oven door open with wooden spoon. YOU MUST DO THIS 3hrs later done
  17. LOL maxhardcores head will explode with the reverse racism
  18. New filter to block out maxhardcore
  19. if it goes really tits up here i am ready for it. i am and i will be getting my pistol license this year to add to everything else cant have enough fire power for the right occasion. by chance today,i had to serve an eviction notice on a meth head.they have over stayed their welcome at a rented house,i went prepared ,even tho i have no legal right to shoot the fckr,but i had something in case it went pete tong
  20. lol the pig trough buffets
  21. Lol Your firing off blanks again there is a tutorial about posting pics
  22. toyota tundra V8 5.7litre it hops along just nice thanks
  23. Beautiful scenery to be fair far better views there than here lol i am a 4 day drive to the seaside consider yourself very lucky
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