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Ted Newgent

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Everything posted by Ted Newgent

  1. Lol not one person in Canada has been killed/shot with a AR15 AR10 or 50cal
  2. he was criminally convicted of a few serious crimes a few years back and his firearms license revoked other than that nope yes he burned down a few houses with people in he rammed a police cruiser dragged the woman cop out and shot her robbed her firearms and went off on his jolly
  3. standard rcmp issue is colt canada ar15 carbine C7 my daughter has one for her job plus a HK 9mm,standard government issue the rcmp only got these issued a few years back when some dickwad went mad in moncton and the horse cops got shot
  4. red flags should of been raised by family members with the firearms he owned plus he bought TWO old police cruisers and decal them to look like proper police cars.then he got hold of rcmp uniform https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nova_Scotia_attacks
  5. the NS shooter was banned from owning firearms,he bought his illegally and they were traced back to the states http://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2020/2020-05-01-x3/pdf/g2-154x3.pdf 1500 firearms listed there
  6. its quite vague at mo but in the next two years your options will be government buy back at a "fair" market price grandfather the rifle but it has to be permanently de activated or fckn bury it
  7. those days are finished here lol any rifle which has a discharge energy over 10,000 joules is banned this is aimed at 50cals
  8. here is the official document this was rail roaded thru parliament without any discussion in the HoC,cause the fckn liberals refused to open it back up or even do a zoom like debate http://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2020/2020-05-01-x3/pdf/g2-154x3.pdf
  9. they have been quite clever with the new law the lower on an AR15 as the only part that needed to be registered now they have banned all the components of the rifle. there is options in the law to include any other make/model at any given time they are also looking at certain calibres (cause some are more dangerous than others sarcasm) and magazines fckn nightmare. for all the non restricted firearms we are hoping mass non compliance fck em
  10. they the government dont know exactly who has what there is no firearm registry for non restricted firearms
  11. really?? i have more semi autos than bolt actions there is no need to ban them. AR15s can only be used at ranges, NO DEATHS in canada from an AR15 canada is NOT like the states the natives are exempt from the new law
  12. alaska is part of america mate i am pissed off and 1.2million canucks are too fck this liberal government fck em
  13. found all 9 episodes,watched the first one last night yes far fetched somewhat and yes very gorey i will continue with the rest of them
  14. Snow now gone in my garden ground still frozen here is the sask river
  15. just thown down 100lb of llama shite on the veg plot. hoping for a bit of rain then going to rotoill the shit in maybe this weekend
  16. Well back at the bear baiting last weekend. Border is closed to Americans but they are just itching to get up here to hunt. so we headed out to set up baits, if you set anything up the bears will locate another food source or another hunters bait. new gates installed to the lodge. Concrete pad on the front of the lodge is laid. Guides quarters all furnished and butchering table installed.
  17. i downloaded it,yes its mexican police for some parts but fckn nasty
  18. Just watched Borderland holy fck bit brutal in places to be fair thought they were going to go full on but refrained. My issue Is this is a true story. Bit of a major headfck
  19. ok thanks saves me a bit of searching for it
  20. Sure will its supposed to be really violent i read this morning its still banned in Germany. if you cant find it let me know i will upload it and send you the link
  21. i watched extraction last night steady enough cant see how you have an exit wound in the neck just gushing blood then next shot no sign on a inny wound
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