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Ted Newgent

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Everything posted by Ted Newgent

  1. no clue mate to be fair,never ever weighed one probably around the same as yours as a rough guess.i know the racks on the deer out this way grow a lot bigger than yours out east
  2. Your on your own with that one mate personally the bigger the round the better. no pointy sticks for me fck dat lol
  3. i personally class them as dangerous game they are fckn extremely nasty animals
  4. hey respect those little buggers i had one which i had shot 3 times it only had the use of one leg but still managed to try and attack me.nasty little buggers
  5. https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
  6. Just bought another HK knife i have another coming when a buddy can hop up here
  7. Courgettes potatoes carrots beetroots in the ground topped all the tubs and wire meshed them cause the hound likes to dig. tomato, lettuce, purple sprouting broccoli and devils lettuce going in next week
  8. Jet washed deck now for staining before pic
  9. Ted Newgent


    Well thats a proper mans tv program
  10. there is two law suits being lodged against the government.one by a private individual and the other a firearms org. but,i have been told in good faith,all isnt lost.big big changes coming soon. there will be soooooo many liberals tears and heads exploding. i will update as soon as i can.
  11. thanks for the invite but me thinks i wont get across the border with my history of doing bad things lol
  12. oh you havent seen the LPD cop running a deer over several times trying to kill it?? https://globalnews.ca/news/4827328/lethbridge-police-video-officer-repeatedly-running-over-deer/
  13. Its been a bad few days for me over here but by the fck i was crying reading the comments ?????LPD lol
  14. this is shocking to say the least but the LPD facebook page is fckn hilarious,go and see all the comments!!!!!! https://www.(!64.56:886/LethbridgePoliceService newspaper link https://lethbridgenewsnow.com/2020/05/04/star-wars-day-promotion-goes-awry-after-lps-arrests-employee-in-stormtrooper-costume/
  15. i got mine rototilled this weekend dropped over 100lbs of llama shit in local town stripped bare of veggie seeds and seeds spuds. got my daughter to get me carrot,beetroot and two types of white potato seeds. brought back with me from the UK purple sprouting broccoli seeds. i still have romaine lettuce and courguette seeds. i will be planting around 25th may ish
  16. They just did as the law stated 20mm bore size as the law stands if a choke is removed then the bore is greater than 20mm
  17. fckn liberals have dropped a major bombshell in the writing/wording of last week laws https://www.csaaa.org/blair-bans-12-gauge-10-gauge-shotguns-and-hunting-rifles/
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