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Ted Newgent

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Everything posted by Ted Newgent

  1. The world has gone fckn tits up since prince fckn Harry married that black American
  2. I am in a little town in butt fck nowhere of approx 200 people and this truck rocks up and let’s his dog out for a run made my day!!!! dog from Texas
  3. schools re open here sept 8th no masks for small kids,can only walk the corridors one way masks on buses for kids .and staff. teachers have been asking for better ventilation,which is a joke when they dont understand how return air and HVAC systems works. schools here been shut since mid march and the teachers think everything in the school has been sanitised LMFAO wearing of masks does nowt if you dont have C19, you cant spread anything you dont have the cleaning chemicals used at schools,are they clinically proven to kill C19? the whole thing is a j
  4. no i didnt think it was strange,had the local horse cops phone me up before no keep your seeds i have plenty
  5. Nope main brand is lays who are walkers they love their “chips” over here.the bags are fckn huge it obscene
  6. Bars and the ones in my town are shite
  7. Lamping for rabbits and foxes quavers going the pub quavers hills sheep windy roads fish n chip shops walking at the sea side quavers
  8. I can buy them locally with the t cakes and Robertson barley water
  9. And now I know why some many kids by me join the 4H club
  10. Feel free you can do that already as long as you bring quavers
  11. Got 4 mins in and switched it off who cares
  12. check the pulleys for damage otherwise just change the belt change out the PTO switch,they are cheap enough.ive gone thru a few of them over the years on the mowers i use
  13. Engine isn’t fckd imho had this with a rototiller. Lad managed to fill the oil that much it filled right up to the spark plug and even the carb was full. we couldn’t start cause of the above. drained the oil, cleaned the plug and she fired right up. Working still like a charm
  14. Fckn pissed off i got a no caller I’d phone call leaving me voicemail today saying it was the local cops coming to my house with a warrant saying I had more than 4 plants growing. I was 2hrs from my house so I called my lad to rip up the 2 smallest plants. then I get a text off a bloke to call him, so I did. He then laughs saying it was him calling me. call my lad back and yup too late he pulled 2 plants. I get home, fckn mad, then I see my fckn lad didn’t pull the 2 small plants but 2 that were 6 fckn feet tall i could cry thats what’s happening in my fckn g
  15. Now I am reconsidering my participation in Canadian outdoor activities blew a big gash in the thumb on the boat tie down strap
  16. To be fair I don’t find this funny but more to the truth
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