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red ted

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About red ted

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  1. Fell terrier or a mongeral pat x russell,lakeland x russell .baying dog which will mix if needs to. get a pup put your time into it keep the dog fit.if u go for hard stuff chances are u dig it stiff or it will start jacking but saying that it depends on how often you want to work the dog. be careful where you enter the dog for first season keep the dog winning and dont work the dog sore.in the right hands most terriers will go if raised right.
  2. Hello. New to the site intrested in game rearing,working gun dogs beating,lamping lurchers and earth dogs. My name is Ted
  3. Got a 100 percent fox dog dosent false mark or go to rabbit. What u got to swap
  4. A lad i know told me about your post im new to website my old dog needs retirement really.i have a pup from him but he a bit young this season i have a lot to go at but dont wanna over work the young dog
  5. Hi.very interested in your terrier do a fair bit of terrier work .would like to talk to you about the dog over the phone would be good.im a fair way away from you mind but if he is from genuine stuff and has a good personality im very keen.cheers
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