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About beany01

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    Born Hunter

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  1. I was asked if I could do a video on replacing or repairing long net top and bottom lines, well this is the best way Ive found. I hope its some help, Beany .Repairing ferret long nets. Heat bonding / splicing repairs on nylon braided top and purse lines. (youtube.com)
  2. No prob mate, glad it was some help. I do rig my own long nets, that’s really easy if you know how to set them out. The last net I bought was off Les Nelson, his lint was so much more supple that anything I could buy. It took 4 years for my own rigged lints to start getting soft as his with rain washing the binders etc out of the lint.
  3. Sounds about right. Ive now found a manufacturer of nets and twine in Germany, they have exactly what I want, so I might have to order a few spools to last a few decades hahahaha
  4. Thats all changed now mate, I think they have changed to Coastal nets. I have just managed to order some mending twine from Germany, they have exactly what I want, but it wasnt cheap with postage. Only 10 years ago I could nip 5 miles up the road and get it off the shelf!
  5. Hello All, After a good operation, Ive got a bit of time on my hands, so Ive made a quick video on how to repair long nets. Ok, people who have repaired them before wont learn anything, but there seems to be less and less people now who can use a net needle. The hardest part is getting good mending twine, so Im using 6Z twisted nylon, which isnt the best for repairing, but getting 6z spun nylon in this country is getting hard work! I hope you learn something, James Net mending - how to easily repair ferreting long nets and nylon sea fishing nets tutorial (youtube.com)
  6. Hello All, as Im out of action after a good Op, I thought I would make a quick video on how to make the easiest game carrier, literally costs pence to make, and doesnt take long, even if you havent got a rope fid, cheers James Quickest method to make a game carrier, only costing pence. Rabbits, pheasants ferreting hunting (youtube.com)
  7. Hello all, my father is wanting to sell his stainless and composite ruger 308 rifle. The barrel has been ported. It comes with a bushnell legend 5-16x40 scope, 91 rounds of ammo and a 6 gun cabinet, does anyone knows a rough price of what its worth? Thanks, Beany. Location is Norfolk
  8. Ive just got a tactile 21. Its a hard bit of coast to get much fish inside. After the cod went, its mainly herring we catch now, with a few bass in the summer. The seals have finished the roker and sole around here, but we do it because we enjoy it.
  9. Well I decided to have a few hours on boxing day morning to clear the head, before getting stuck in to some more food and drink. Bait was frozen macks for whiting, and salted macks for dabs. Plenty of dabs today, a few whiting, and a nice flounder that didnt video properly. I video'd it for a bit of fun and something to look back on in the future, I hope you enjoy watching it
  10. Last week I decided to dust the rods off after a very long break from beach fishing. Just went down a local beach with a few frozen macks for the whiting, and salted some macks previously for some dabs. I mainly had whiting, and only a few dabs. I decided to video the day, and thoroughly enjoyed it! I will have to venture out again soon!
  11. Always used shavings, never had an issue. I cover the whole hutch with shavings, then put shredded tissue on top of them in the bedding area. I dont used anything in the court, apart from the corner they crap in, which is also a pile of shavings
  12. There was a different nurse there when I picked him up, she was very apologetic as she was too nervous to get him out of the cage he came round in and put him in the carry box. Hes quite big, about 7 months old and I was surprised when he weighed 2.35kg. I said I dont blame her, as you hadnt met him before he was knocked out, and didnt know if he was aggressive or not
  13. Yes, it is an independant vet, a lot are now owned by cvs, and they are on the stock market. I looked a couple of years ago and their profit was in excess of 300 million from 350 vet surgeries. My last hob was snipped there about 6 years ago, the last owner told me it was 60 quid then, but everything goes up in time. Still, I think its a good price
  14. My local golf course which I ferreted for a few years got hit hard September 2020 with mixi, it wiped them out big time. I went back to the usual warrens that always produced last September and they were as dead as a dodo. No fresh marks anywhere.
  15. The vet did say a lot of people overcharge because they dont want to do it. He said its not a problem to do, so charge reasonable prices
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