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Everything posted by mikey88uk

  1. waterproof mountain pidgeon
  3. roll on next season she 8mth now
  4. roll on next season she 8mth now
  5. roll on next season she 8mth now
  6. roll on next season she 8mth now
  7. what breeds the lurcher in the pic looks very strong. how tall dose it stand
  8. what materials did u use is that stuck on or prints ? nice tho £25 4 one?
  9. roll on next season she 8mth now
  10. 1st cross bull whippet cracking dog. they aint stupid i no that much only 7mth in pic
  11. Yeah why? my grandfather had a pit bull called nigga and 1 called pongo, good names 1st cross bull whippet
  12. yes exsactly what i mean and breeding them to a pc should slow'em down but still be top pugs. Who said anything about crap stock just a bit o breeding on the side I'm not knocking you mate. If you have got a genuine polecat (I think experts can tell from skull details and seasonal colouring if I'm recalling something I read years ago.Possibly a Forestry Commission pamphlet?.) to use in the cross you might well end up with some skittish kits and adults that work so well they slaughter everything underground. Like I said though ,I'm not knocking you because if you are right about hav
  13. yes exsactly what i mean and breeding them to a pc should slow'em down but still be top pugs. Who said anything about crap stock just a bit o breeding on the side
  14. yeah evan if the ferrets are good working you will still lose something evan if its not noticable. tameing them could be tricky but breed back to another ferret next year would help
  15. well to me it is just a ferret just bit bigger not trying to change it just trying to but back some of the hunting instinct back into the lost through genarations of breeding the polecats are wild came from a animal sanctury had no human cantact just the size of a cat
  16. anyone got a european polecat x ferret if so what do they work like mate got some jills got about 2 weeks before there born just wondering what there gonna be like good working ferrets or killing machines? any ideas
  17. na not yet but got a pup just 7mth catches rabbits .strong a fast should be a handy dog out of <turks> whippet and <downsouths> bull bitch
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