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Everything posted by SheepChaser

  1. The shear size of the country vs the number of folk out shooting, stalking, bushing, hound packs, lads night shooting with lamps, nv, thermal etc. Hunting with guns, dogs etc. And so on and on and on. Plus trail cams, and all of the rest. By now we’d have either good footage or a body. No chance mate.
  2. Whippet x Russel dog over a springer x patt bitch.
  3. Thank you mate. She’s the Swiss Army Knife of dogs.
  4. There is no big wild cat population in the UK. Come on use your head.
  5. To be fair most of them left because every post just gets filled up with pointless circular arguments.
  6. To be honest the most interesting part of the day was spotting a species I wasn’t expecting on the Leicestershire/ Derbyshire border. Had no idea they were in they area!
  7. You should know by now i don’t run dogs. Was a nice spot, could see the Humber bridge.
  8. Why do you always want to mock everyone else ? Genuine question. It’s like your go to way of interacting with folk. What’s it matter to you if someone wants to rear something rather than leaving it to die ? Plenty reared foxes get released every year and plenty survive and go on to do alright. I know you’re fave thing is to be an expert on things you aren’t, but I don’t get why it would bother you ? On a total side note, it is a beautiful day out there lads. And I’m in your kind of place mchull ?
  9. I know who you mean but at this moment in time thr name escapes me!
  10. Few hundred acres with a wall around it doesn’t sound like a bad place to be for a deer.
  11. Dunno mate. I did think that but thought maybe it shows some of us do have a heart!
  12. No it probably wouldn’t if I dropped it somewhere ..... some muppet would drop it and take a photo ?. There are three different sub species of sika in the uk. Most are Japanese , that buck is Manchurian, the rarest. They grow much bigger. He was off in that photo to a big deer park to run with some does, which eventually he will hopefully breed with. The reason the well known animal charity said to leave it to die is because the law has changed now and you can’t release munty back into the wild. If this little doe survives she will go into a large secure area with the little buck and
  13. This is young Pablo back in April. He started as a day old fawn reared by hand.
  14. Oh go on, enlighten me oh great one ? What’s the issue with rescuing or rearing stuff ? I’ve seen just about every type of animal hand reared, including fox, badger, hares etc.
  15. Just drove the little thing all the way down to Sussex to give to a lad whos a keeper and deer fanatic. He’s successfully reared munty, chinks PD and sika before so should have the best chance. Met him at some other friends who have a pet fallow they’ve reared from day old, think she’s 12 months now. I helped a mate rear a sika stag calf last year. So they can be hand reared well enough, so fingers crossed! If she does make it, another mate has a 4 week old buck fawn which has been hand reared. So the two of them can live together (if we get that far). We are all Just a little bit deer ma
  16. I think it comes to all of us if you do enough hunting. Feels like there has to be some give as well as take.
  17. Looks better than she did to start. I had to give her mouth to mouth to get her going. And yes it’s been said before - I’m a soft touch / mental.
  18. Mum was sadly dead. Her tummy was moving so I tried to make a crappy situation a bit better and C sectioned her and got the fawn out alive. It’s still going at about 30 hours. It’s had a few feeds of lamb colostrum and now on milk replacer. Fingers crossed it keeps going and makes it through. Lovely little thing. Funnily enough I rang a wildlife / animal charity and they said I should have left it to die.
  19. Saluki bull grey sire (litter bro to my old dog) over a wheaten grey deer grey bitch.
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