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Everything posted by SheepChaser

  1. Always been illegal to run bambi in beam mate Ok, When ya wearing a balaclava....how do you stop dogs hunting on after bambi when running it out the beam? ha. same way you stop a dog running rabbits when its not in the beam you turn off and the dog comes back doesn't it? Not to my knowledge, Rabbits 9 times out of 10 usually are down a hole once the dog's missed so he trots back. Never seen a fallow manage that trick yet ! what was your dog doing then mate? crashing through woods on it own like a manic chasing deer round on its own agenda? That sounds like a lo
  2. Always been illegal to run bambi in beam mate Ok, When ya wearing a balaclava....how do you stop dogs hunting on after bambi when running it out the beam? ha. same way you stop a dog running rabbits when its not in the beam you turn off and the dog comes back doesn't it? I fecking hope not. . . that would be rather upsetting. . . . not for me pal I find a dog running around in the dark on its own more so upsetting. Not being funny, but surely anyone who's done enough lambing, especially bigger stuff, but even rabbits, will have had a dog catch out of the beam p
  3. Always been illegal to run bambi in beam mate Ok, When ya wearing a balaclava....how do you stop dogs hunting on after bambi when running it out the beam? ha. same way you stop a dog running rabbits when its not in the beam you turn off and the dog comes back doesn't it? I fecking hope not. . . that would be rather upsetting. . . .
  4. Of course. I just meant that even the best lines occasionally produce screws. . . . But genetics is everything, well, that and bond . . . . and exposure. . .
  5. Quitting through choice, not backing me up or lacking heart. The rest I can pretty much forgive. And i'll give it plenty of time and chances. So far, had a couple of proper twats, but none that failed in those three things. Current two bitches have those three quality in abundance, so i'm pretty happy, just a shame ones not the brightest and the other as a miserable, anti social, people hating nutter.
  6. We get a lot of dog issues with the sheep. To date, its never been a hunting dog, always pet dogs. But its heart breaking, and if a dog is in with the sheep and doing any damage its going to get popped. Thats just how its got to be, its my livelihood.
  7. Aye it was a gift from Wales123, turns out a very good one! Aye, the speckles are a bit weird. She looks small in that photo but she's 25" tts, fast and built like a tank. Just runs through anything in her way, not sure she will have a long career, but I reckon it might be an interesting one. Anyhow, she's done what she was meant to so far.
  8. 9/16 Grey 7/16 Bull. Quicker than she looks and just as strong . . .
  9. The little psychopath had a bad one last season, and is now fully retired, its a real shame as he was on hell of a dog for his size, and he killed nearly every quarry in the U.K, which isn't bad for a little pot licker. Now he's fat and sassy and hangs out with my Gran terrorising cats, squirrels, and owt else he can. So maybe no fully retired haha, has given my gran a new lease of life anyhow haha. The other older bitch has also finally got over her injury, took almost a year for her to heal up, come right and get fit. It was one of the biggest holes I've seen in a dog, where they have wa
  10. Its been a hectic week! To be fair, the back of the house is currently a shit tip of straw, mud, dogs and dead stuff. The kitchen is only marginally better. . .
  11. The Mrs was sorting out food this evening and I was fanning about, decided to give the young rabbiting bitch a couple of runs over the back fence. She was a bit tired, having been out yesterday daytime for a good stint, out last night lambing, again this afternoon having a few runs around dusk, and then lambing earlier. Anyway, had a shine over back fence, and saw a few bunnys, so thought it'd be rude not to. Anyway, she caught the first two, missed the third, so called her back and gave her the rest of the night off lol. She's put in a few good shifts, out most days since christmas day, and d
  12. Standard mate, he has designs on your mrs. Kill him.
  13. Most folk with half a brain know not to be pointing hubs at people in this day and age! Problem is though, a lot of lurcher lads don't know how the countryside works as well as they think and don't know the harm they cause sometimes!
  14. It belongs to the Mrs, she'd kill me! It's a 2 seater and done out for off roading. Handy lamping truck though. Life is ok, sheep, dogs and feral woman.
  15. No mate, automatic, tubed, 3.2 litre engine. It's a beast! Looking at putting a 4.2 litre in soon.....
  16. Me and the dalmatian x have been marauding this evening. Midnight seen in, in a field, with a bottle of fizz and a dazzler.
  17. You've got the Astro and alpha. The alpha is the newer model, with the main additional feature being that it's also a shock / training collar and a few other map things. They work well in most terrains but in very hilly ground you can lose signal, however if you head to last known position it always picks them up again. Basically you have a compass on the screen with arrows for the different dogs and it says how far and if they are moving, you can also look at the map and see where they are and where they been. It tells you how far and how fast they have run and will let you pin lo
  18. Do you mean alpha or Astro? Dc 50 is a collar
  19. World of difference between shooting dogs for worrying stock and for being in the wrong place, if it's the first then the dog deserves a bullet. Mind you some lads are such wankers they piss landowners, keepers etc off and then they hate lurchers. If you're a decent bloke then it's an easy enough life, the trick is, being liked and being efficient, as well as keeping your mouth shut and being careful who your mates are. It's easy for me, I don't have any mates.
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