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Everything posted by WizzyH

  1. Thanks a lot for the advice mate. I've just purchased both as they are both dirt cheap - along with a band cutting jig, some pouches, some band tying ribbon, a band cutting template and some GZK and Precise Red band (0.7mm) as well as some other odds and sods. I'll be setting the scout knockoff up for TTF and the one with sights to fire OTT. I'll practice with both and once I have decent groupings, I'll be able to decide which style I like better and hopefully get out and take some game for the pot! I like the idea of taking game with something so primitive as obviously you ha
  2. Thanks mate. I'll have a look into the scout copies.. I may even just buy an authentic scout from the SS website as they don't cost very much tbh. Have you ever tried the cheap Chinese catapults with the fibre optic sights? Do the sights actually help or are they just a gimmick? Also, do you think an OTT frame would be the best to start out with?
  3. Thanks for the advice mate. After doing some research, I think I am going to buy an OTT version of the Simple Shot Torque and fit it with red Precise (0.7mm) with a taper of 25mm - 20mm whilst shooting 11mm steel BB's. Hopefully this will prove to be a decent enough set-up. I hope to stick with one set-up to make practice much easier.
  4. Hi all, I am basically a complete beginner to slingshots/catapults (apart from purchasing a Black Widow years ago and not being able to hit a barn door at 5 yards away!). My idea is to purchase one of the cheap Chinese catapults from a site such as Aliexpress to practice with (the one which have sights and the end of the bands are clamped in). I believe these would be considered OTT slingshots? I will be practicing on targets to begin with, but as soon as I become proficient I plan on using it for hunting small game such as Squirrels, Pigeons, Rabbits, Pheasant etc. I hav
  5. Thanks for the advice mate. ? I've actually just joined a NZ Hunting Forum and plan on asking for advice there, mainly regarding the dangers and extreme weather changes of the Southern Alps (which is where I plan on going). Local knowledge will be key as always, especially regarding the dangers. I'm confident I am physically capable for a week long back country trip, but it won't hurt to take the time to prepare further a few months in advance. Having said all that, I may still go down the Guided route, at least for the first few days. I don't think it will be a problem getting peopl
  6. Absolutely cracking write up mate. The scenery and experience in general looks amazing. I plan on doing something similar myself in the (hopefully) near future. Did you ever consider going down the Self-Guided route?
  7. Thanks a lot for your reply and suggestion mate. I have emailed them and will keep this thread updated with their response as it may be of use to someone in the future with a similar query.
  8. Does anyone know if a Firearms License is required to gain a DOC Hunting Permit in New Zealand, even if I will be Bow hunting? I'm looking at going over there at some point in the future and I've read on various blogs/websites that as long as your bow meets certain criteria relating to draw weight, size etc then it is pretty easy to get a Hunting Permit. However, the DOC website states: Permit conditions: each person within a hunting party and intending to hunt must have a separate permit permits cannot be transferred to, or be used by, anyone else to get a hunting pe
  9. As far as I'm aware mate Coyote and Red Fox are very uncommon that far North. I know there are a few Red Fox in the Southern/Eastern parts of Canada but I think they usually get graded low at the Fur Auctions, which is odd because you'd have thought the fur would have been prime given the cold temperatures.
  10. If anyone is still interested in watching this.. The lad who is in it (Andrew) has his own YouTube channel and is releasing all the episodes of the first Series every week on his YouTube channel.. Here's the link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWildNorth And here's the links to the first 4 episodes that he has already uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK8y9BBRx9U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdzChmK4rxg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLWIq8mwo5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK-rJJN4lBY All the best.
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