Went out this morning had 4 bunny’s lurcher had two and ferreted two! The weather was terrible I was soaked right through the dogs and ferrets enjoyed mind only had the one photo because the weather was shocking !!
another morning out only took two photos bit of a mad rush this morning enjoyed it out had 3 this morning out of this set and missed one later on in the afternoon and had to rush home and go for food but good morning out again thanks for looking
Up and out early went to one of my olaces this morning haven been there in a while plan was to go out for a little wander with dogs and ferret.. no big numbers just the one this morning which not to botherd with enjoyed morning out with the dogs in the fresh air as you can see in the photos dogs are wrecked back of the van ?
Went for a little walk this morning with the young pup he 10 months old naw been on the lamp a couple times, mostlybeen out in the day but will be getting him out on the lamp more naw I’m off for the week becasue I work nights thanks for looking
I have two hob ferret kits left free to good home I'm from South Wales mountain ash area they've been well handled if you wanna come see them or want to now anything give me a pm cheers