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Everything posted by ollieollie

  1. Talk Sea Fishing - Sea Angling Forums & Catch Reports WWW.TALKSEAFISHING.CO.UK Sea fishing catch reports from across the UK and Ireland as well as help and...
  2. Indeed, they’ll be erecting statues of Jimmy saville and Fred west next
  3. I imagine it’s bought plenty ak47’s
  4. They’ll all be over here soon anyway so it will naturally tail off ??
  5. I’ve visited many of the grave yards in France, it’s a truly humbling experience
  6. That geezer needs a kick in the head, and he’s a bloody yank anyway. Shame on denmark for wanting to protect them selves and their own way of life. Im off to Copenhagen
  7. Not entirely, a percent of new build estates has to be council houses to get through planning these days. I think it’s 10% and you can bet your bottom dollar the housing association’s dishing these scum shelters out will ensure the coloured box gets ticked
  8. This is unbelievably obvious if you ever go in Birmingham children’s hospital. I had to take my lad there about a year ago and you wouldn’t think you were in the U.K.
  9. Your post describes me almost word for word!
  10. Took the words out of my mouth! I can imagine David Attenborough narrating over that footage
  11. Do you drink enough water? I militantly have 2.5l a day and in the occasion I don’t have it I really notice the difference
  12. That place looks like some serious therapy!! Enjoy
  13. I stopped paying some time ago
  14. My eldest is 7, I’m just starting to see problems like this. Only last week he told me god made the earth and us, I explained(responsibly) that that might not be true! I also mentioned to his teacher that there is no concrete evidence so she should not be telling him that that is the ONLY explanation for our being.
  15. It’s pathetic the level of hush on this matter, if the shooter was white there would be mass scale trouble
  16. You think she was mother Theresa if you listened to mainstream media or any public commentator who think the media are listening to them .
  17. Looks like she was looking for trouble! Shouldn’t be surprised when it arrives
  18. This could well become a swansea style vigil!!
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