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Everything posted by Igz

  1. I'm after a spaniel pup to bring into my pack. Would preferably be after a sprocker but also open to hear if anyone has any springers or cockers. All I ask is that both parents are working well. I'm in the midlands but willing to travel where needed. I know there plenty on internet but you also get a lot that don't tell the truth about there dogs working so thought I'd try here first. Not really interested in anything over 16 weeks as want to be able to train it myself
  2. If it's something you enjoy and you have it. Spend it I say. I've spent loads since getting into dogs but hopefully I have it all now. The gps has helped me my mate a few times and nearly caught us out when we never especially if your dog liks to use his nose in the day. Yes it expensive but you'll onl need to buy once
  3. Tell me about it I'm in Jamaica on holiday n a shit exchange rate
  4. Fair play, great to get them out. Mine loves to come out fishing and with the dogs
  5. As long as it does what you want it to do that's all that matters hope she comes good ?
  6. Like the look of her, sure she's come good
  7. Fair play mate she looks a real nice bitch
  8. Bit of junior ibuprofen. What's good for us is good for them. A little 5mil couple times a day. That will sort any swelling ?
  9. Maybe you get lots of permission in them miles if woods there talking about aswel for that money
  10. Got it from the game fair paid £1940 mate. If you are after one though I no Ian b should have some by the end of the week and a decent price aswell so maybe worth contacting him if you are ?
  11. No chance of that he's shit on them ??
  12. Just called him and arranged to go and see him tomorrow so thanks again ?
  13. After a good bone man if anyone can point me in the right direction preferably within midlands. Will travel a little further if needed. Cheers lads pm me If you prefer
  14. Well got my Xq38f today and it a great bit of kit. Just been out for a little mooch and very impressed. Roll on September
  15. Cant beat strongstuff, it does what it says on the tin
  16. Will do mate he has messaged me now so hopefully speak to him tomorrow
  17. Still waiting for him to contact me with some details to contact him as it's a good price he offered so hopefully order one from him once he does ?
  18. Sorry to hear mate I'm gutted for you
  19. Need some details mate could you send me them please, cheers ?
  20. Ffs blanked on the Severn again last night, was all set up and ready by 8 last night and after the bit of rain we had I really thought my luck was going to be in. Well we no wat thought done ?. I'm not going to let it beat me though and I'll be back out Monday so if anyone fancys pm img me a good spot to help me out it would be more than welcome. Don't ask you don't get. Within midlands pref as don't fancy goin much further till I've caught a few and feel lik I'm not wasting my time invade I blank again ? ?
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