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Everything posted by Igz

  1. If there along the m4 there mine ??
  2. Got permission off the mrs to pop down there this week, that's the only permission I need and even if she never I'd still go as there's too much to miss out on down there ?
  3. People won't be saying she looks a bit on the thin side now will they mate, looking well mate. Hope all works out for you
  4. agree.lucozade brazillian for me.
  5. Probably cream cakes aswell but hel probably keep them himself as that's what the old bill will reward him with. Nothing like a cold fizzy drink after a nights poaching ?
  6. Think I'll get down there next time the weather looks good, don't phone the police please fox dropper. If there's one thing i hate and it's a f***ing grass there the lowest of the low in my eyes. Over wat aswell a bit of land ffs as long as like people said it's not someone you took there I don't see a problem. Anyone fancy meeting up, ??
  7. it'll be like a rave down there come the weekend with all the road siders Now we've all been told there's plenty of deer an hares to run haha
  8. Sorry to hear you bad news mate
  9. I just got a new spaniel pup n called him Ozzy
  10. Couple of nice dogs there lads ?
  11. Must have a petrol engine inside him or something ??
  12. Got an Irish blue staff here, he only a pet but can't be trusted round any animal. Brilliant with kids but he just about ok with my two lurchers. He's came out on a couple of mooches and surprised me but he to head strong and a liability. He knows what he supposed to but chooses to do as he likes. Went camping once, next thing you know the cows in next field are going ape shit. Farmer landed 5 mins after he decided to come back and he was armed n ready with his shotgun but luckily slipped him away in time. Great guard dog though and brilliant with my 2 kids n 16 month old
  13. Only been out a couple of nights with it but it is worth the money and don't need to be walking round shining a bright light everywhere and disturbing anyone or anything just flick the lamp on when really needed. Hopefully get some good use out of it in the next few weeks
  14. Can't go wrong with the Xq38f mate if you can push the budget up a little. You sound like me for loosing things I'm always at it my mate laughs at me but I've put a cord onto it that hangs round my neck nicely and I can slip it in and out of my coat as and when needed so shouldn't need to ever take it off. Ask Ian b he will give you a good deal he offered me a good price but I ended up getting from the game fair for just a little over what he offered he just never had it in stock at the time
  15. Seen more fat on a greasy chip
  16. It's a bit black over old bills mothers
  17. Your a lucky man it looks like a lovely place
  18. Igz

    Bushing Spaniel

    Got sorted thanks mate
  19. Thanks for all the offers lads but I got in contact with a gamekeeper down south so with a 6 hour round trip I came back with a sprocker both parents good workers. Sire was springer dam was sprocker so a little more springer in the mix and hopefully the bit of cocker to just tone it down a bit as it also going to be a house dog. Had chance to see father working if could have got there during day but never got chance. As for not wanting a terrier that's just down to not wanting to dig mate. In the week I do a lot of mooching on my own so I like to keep moving and keep quiet. I hunt with my pal
  20. I'm after a spaniel pup to bring into my pack. Would preferably be after a sprocker but also open to hear if anyone has any springers or cockers. All I ask is that both parents are working well. I'm in the midlands but willing to travel where needed. I know there plenty on internet but you also get a lot that don't tell the truth about there dogs working so thought I'd try here first. Not really interested in anything over 16 weeks as want to be able to train it myself
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