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Everything posted by Igz

  1. I use a thermal mate. Xq38f. Great bit of kit to be honest . Can walk for hours and only put the lamp on handful of times when your dogs running.Good for lampshy places and if your somewhere your not supposed to be which is handy for me ?. Mates got an xp 50 which is good aswel. Probably a bit better picture on the xp50 but the xq38f more than good enough for what I imagine you’ll need
  2. Went out myself. Was out four hours all in all but that was a lot of waiting around looking through the thermal hoping things would come towards me as like you say the weather wasn’t on side. Last few seasons I wasted a lot of nights going out when I didn’t stand much chance but I’ve also had some suprisingly decent nights when like it. Suppose you got to be in it to win it but I’ll do more daytime this season when I know the weather not good for lamping
  3. Fair play mate. Nice to get that first one. Onwards and upwards. Igz
  4. Just a bit of veg but there fussy with a lot of it when raw so Most of the time I know it’s not as good but just bags of frozen as once it’s been cooked they eat it no problem so better than not at all. Plenty of tripe aswe. Will give them atlest a little tripe every day
  5. Mine get a mixture of lamb,beef, chicken and tripe. Get a tray of chicken bones with plenty of meat and skin on each time aswel. Bit of fish here and there mainly pilchards or mackrel. Like to give them plenty of lamb for the fat content. They seem to do ok on it. Very rarely give kibble but if I do as we’re somewhere I can’t keep the meat froze I’ll give them wainwright’s.
  6. Ha ha. It’s always someone else’s fault. Nice to know he thought that and find out the truth. Haven’t met many farmers but I do ok for permission as I’m always on different spots ?. Atb for the season Igz
  7. Road walking, free running in grass fields but still takes a month or so of work once the season strarts to get running fit.They haven’t done much lying on there beds this summer as wanted the pup out and about so out every day sometimes twice for a walk early morning or late evening and there just getting into shape now. Couldn’t be happier with the pup so far but it’s early doors
  8. I was polite in how I went about things and he’d just seen me come from where I did so knows I was only off the path 2 minutes. He had cows in next field and seen the dogs never took a second look but straight away he was on the defensive. He could have got himself any moles cleared up free of charge if he’d have been a bit more polite but knew from his first reaction there wasn’t much chance . I do my best to respect where I walk though and I don’t see no harm in walking the dogs where I feel fit.
  9. Went for a walk not to far from me this afternoon for an hour as I knew there wasn’t going to be much wind for a mooch tonight. As I was walking down the field and saw the farmer cutting his hedges on his tractor, so I thought I’ll pass down by him see what sort of mood he’s in and maybe ask him for a bit of permission. walked off the public footpath onto the field he’s on and I’m along the bottom edge as he’s coming down thinking I’ll meet on the corner. So as he’s 10 yards from the bottom he sent a fox out from where he was cutting the other side of hedge, dogs seen it when it passed along t
  10. That’s it mate as long as I know which ways back to the car if needed I’m happy , safety first and all that . Atb Igz
  11. Don’t know if the others do it but I like the garmin as I can mark where I park and know I’m getting back to it no problems even if I’ve not a clue where I am. Had mine 3 seasons now and no problems ?. Easy to use and ready out the box. Like you say though you probably are paying for the name as I do only use the compass to see where dogs are . Atb Igz
  12. Exactly that mate. Saves all that thinking ? ?
  13. Look forward to seeing her do a bit of graft
  14. My lad asked me if I was out tonight as it’s hit September and I wasn’t actually going to bother as I thought it may be a little hard work with not much wind and the noise of the stubble on fields snapping and crunching but it’s not often he wants to go out but I knew he was toying with the idea so I said we would go for an hour. Exactly as I thought, a little too much noise but we managed to find a squatter for the pup. First time lamping first slip and first bunnie for him so well happy. Retrieve wasn’t perfect as he f****d around a little with it 10 yards away once he’d caught it but it’s a
  15. Can’t go wrong with the source boilies. Went to France carp fishing last year for a week and they were what worked best. Always got a bag with me even if I’m not going to fish with them that day it’s good to have a few with you. My mate swears by them
  16. Hope everything goes well for you mate and you have a bit to go at atb Igz
  17. Igz


    Cracker, looks bigger each time you put a pic up. Atb Igz
  18. GPS4US mate, there in America and work straight out the box. Deffo stay with the mini aswel as the normal ones just to bulky as bunnyboiler said. I’ve got to invest in a new collar for the new pup in next few weeks before season. Use it in the daytime more, only take it lamping if I’m out to places I don’t know and gives you that bit more peace of mind but comes in handy in the day when the dogs took off on scent and you can watch what he’s doing
  19. Nice fish mate. Always nice to wake up to one
  20. Thanks mate. Was thinking it just irritated as not really any fur where it is. Had a look underneath and only a few little marks but nothing like on the pic. Will keep an eye on it and bathe like you said ?
  21. Yes mate like little red rings.
  22. Not yesterday but may have walked in them the day before. I do try and stay away from them as there hard work but I do remember walking through one or two think it was Friday
  23. Thanks mate I’ll send her a message
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