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Everything posted by Igz

  1. I phones deffo do but you can go into your settings and disable all that stuff. Turn off all your location settings and stuff and your ok. Atb Igz
  2. My pup seemed to stick at 24 at around 10 months and seemed like he wasn’t moving maybe as it’s just more gradual but he 13 months now and leveled out at 25 1/2. Parents been that tall you’d think they got another couple of inches in them. Do they have any knuckle left. I know fuckall really it’s just what I’ve learnt since having my pup ?
  3. Here’s mine. Sbg x wbg 13 months. Ticked another box on his own last night. Finished the job aswel. Full moon helped us a bit this week. Far from a finished article but if I’m honest I can’t fault him so far. Atb Igz
  4. Do like the look of that bitch mate. She looks a cracker. Takes my eye every time
  5. Can’t go wrong with a 170 dimmer I’ve got the 240 head aswel but the 170 gets used more and saves you walking round carrying sumet the size of a wok ?
  6. It’s only cuz his eyes are f****d he uses the 240. Reckon he could do with a 360 to be honest ??.
  7. If they looked at my previous they would probably say carry on mate your causing a lot less trouble than u used to. Dogs has been one thing that’s kept me out of trouble. Piss poor to be sent to jail for running a few bunnies when there’s some horrible people walking the streets but they say no resources to catch them ?
  8. Got the same here mate my big dogs ripped his completely off. Happend a week ago. He does let out a little yelp if I touch it a bit but first couple of days he was limping when coming out kennel but he bouncing around so just been road walking him and I’ll probably give it another week before any free running. I just try keep it clean. The way he is now I don’t think it would bother him running on it as seems happy enough just don’t want to make it any worse so another week of road walks then I’ll get him back at it hopefully . Atb Igz
  9. Gutted for you mate, the shit keeps coming for you. Seen you mention what a good dog he was for you. RIP Dumbo. Atb Igz
  10. Only been into the dogs about 4 years myself mate and I’ve just got a young one I’m bringing on this season and he 12 months. Reason I got him was as my older dog layed up a couple of times last season and I like to be out but even this season there’s times that I’ve thought to myself things would be a little easier with just the one but also a blessing as at the minute my older dogs just ripped his nail completely off so he resting but deffo atlest think with your dog only been young you be better stick with the one or if you really have to like I probably would have when I was 23 get yoursel
  11. Glad to see you’ve got yourself sorted Keith. Atb igz
  12. Looks like it’s a trip over the water then Keith ?
  13. There’s a saluki collie grey in rugby 12 months old looks well put together. Think it’s on gumtree. Would that interest you
  14. Don’t know what happend there. I just called the number and spoke to the man and he said pups gone . Something will pop up ?
  15. If anything comes up and your in need of transport to get a dog from somewhere or to go have a look at one I’ll help you out with transport if needed. Your probably about an hour from me so it won’t be a problem. If I can help out I will. Atb Igz
  16. He’s saluki bull grey x Wheaton bull grey mate. Hel be 12 months old in just over a weeks time. 25tts. Pretty keen, has been since quite young really. I have a saluki bull grey aswel who’s 4 coming on 5 who’s been a good teacher for him showing him the ropes. Pup surprised me at 9 months to be honest and hasn’t really looked back. Have to hold him back at times as I don’t want to spoil him but he’s ticking all the boxes for me so far so only time will tell. Think a lot of it’s just down to getting them out as much as you can wheather it be watching my older dog and learning or doing it himsel
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