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Everything posted by Igz

  1. I know mate it’s like I wound him up him having a triple on his last outing Of season ?. Normally see a few bits but it’s been scarce since all the walkers out. I’ve walked that golf course with all my dogs over last 8 years and only ever seen 1 walker and that was a fella with a spaniel at 5 in morning.That’s Reason I Use it.Used it cuz my staff a f****r with other dogs unless introduced and I see at least 3-4 a time when I go since lockdown so can’t take him there now.See a couple of rabbits sat on egde is about best I get. Will give him a go on lead but not my type of fun having to walk a
  2. b*****d he is wed only been out 20 mins. Right fecked my peaceful time out up ?
  3. I’ve been thinking maybe it’s as he not getting enough exercise as like I say he only getting 2 hours a day max. It’s hard to spend much more time out than that at moment when I’m leaving the mrs at home with 3 kids and I do tell her when seasons over I’ll be chilling but 2 hours a day to me is just a little walk. This was his first season and like I say he used to been out most days and nights working for 3,4,5 hours a time and having to put a shift in. I let him out kennel in day to have run of garden if kids not playing or at least a couple hours in the morning then walks on evening so not
  4. No but he has a bit of saluki in him ??
  5. I’ve thought about keeping him on a lead when getting back tonight but like I say we have been over there doing the same day in day out for weeks. Last time over a week ago then no problems since then until tonight. It’s weird but very frustrating ?
  6. So then over the last 2 weeks my young dogs started to be a bit of a c**t. Stubborn, not listening and twice he’s run off home from the golf course a few minute walk from my house. Across a main A road this is. I think if it was busy and we wasn’t on lockdown I’m not sure he’d have made it home. Now I got this dog at around 13-14 weeks old and he’s now 18 months. Never had no problems really, quite responsive recall never a problem, I’ve spent a lot of time with this dog and there’s been loads of time and effort put into him but here’s the story. Out on our daily walk 10 days ago or around tha
  7. Few lads I knew. They actually pulled back round to pick him up
  8. Ha ha the old 22 b. Lovely car they was. Rb5 was another nice Subaru. Like you say cars were a lot lighter and just been in them type of car makes it feel faster. Stick to my van these days. Got an old Mitsubishi shogun as the dog bus. Can’t remember the last time I drove a fast car
  9. I Remember the uno turbo. Never actually went in one but seen a few go. Shit off a shovel haha
  10. Yes mate we’re great little things exactly like go carts. Lethal in the wet as if the front end goes so does the back haha: My favourite car out the lot for looks even though obviously older than the ones we talking about has to be the evo 6. Another lad I know has a tommy makkinen addition and I’m sure that’s got to be worth a few quid now aswel. Not sure what he paid either
  11. Sonmetiing I had to take a pic of last year when I seen it on a pub car park I was at. Used to love these in my school days along with the Renault 5 gt turbo or the Peugeot 1.9 gti
  12. Yes mate it’s a beast to be honest and my mate who owns can put any car to its limits. He actually prefers back wheel drive cars. Well he used to anyway when he was younger. I used to love a good cavalier turbo though. Do you remember the old cavalier Sri 130. They could move or they seemed like they did ha
  13. I’d deffo go Subaru. We used to put both these cars through there paces week in week out and for me the Subaru a much better drive and handling and like others say a lot less will go wrong with the Subaru as long as it’s not a nacker from the start although if it was to take on a track I’d go evo as you would have more fun. My mates got a lotus Colton which he brought 20 years ago it’s now worth 80-100 grand. Think he payed around the 10 grand mark for it
  14. I’ve got 2 strong stuff collars. One I got given by a mate who had had some use out of it. My young dog uses it now. Big dogs got a wider one and has had it about 2 years now. They have both took some stick but I just get the hose pipe on them. Little scrub with a green pad and they come up brand new. Buckles are strong as anything and I can’t see myself needing another collar for either of them in a long time.
  15. Think they just put them up any signs of lamping, think it will probably just be local farmer sticking them up more than anyone else. I knew a spot not too far lads used to run bigger stuff but not the hares and they went up round there, suppose it’s just a little scare tactic
  16. Mainly use it in the day mate but if I’m going to new ground that me and the dogs are not familiar with and depending what we’re running then I put the collars on lamping. Helps with marking where the bus is so we can just walk and I get back no problems. Atb Igz
  17. Costs me 100 quid every 6-7 weeks to feed my two. They get lamb, beef, tripe and chicken. All top quality and they throw me a big bag of bones and scraps from pig bones and skin to to offcuts of lamb and beef. Throw a tin of mackerel in every week. Porridge of a morning bit of veg here and there and whatever else we find during the season. They seem to do well on it but think I need to bring the portions down I can see the weight coming on them both the last month since they not working hard
  18. Nah he looks after me mr Penda does. He’s got no choice as he likes to borrow my best frock now and again ?
  19. Could do with another bottle of that cherry mate I’m all out ?.
  20. Jeyes fluid and zaflora for me most of the time. Scrub it with jeyes fluid first the rinse it down with a bit of zaflora as the mrs hates the smell of jeyes but I actually quite like it but I also don’t think it’s as strong as it used to be. My dogs rarely shit in there kennel so just wash it down probably twice a week maybe every other day during the summer. I end up going a bit over the top with the zaflora though using half a bottle a time and at 3 quid a bottle it becomes an expensive hose down. Mate gets me some cherry deodoriser sometimes aswel which is good. Can smell it when I come out
  21. Looks a strong dog mate. What’s in him ?
  22. Yes he did. Has a bitch back now out the litter which I thinks doing well and I also know there’s another out the litter down Northampton way that’s doing ok too Atb Igz
  23. Happy days mate, she looks a solid bitch. Hope things work out. Good signs if most doing what there owners want. Took pup out few nights ago to be honest I’d only been walking mine now really but there was high winds and it was quite cold so I wanted to keep him up to date with things and he had couple nice catches. I know it’s probably a bit late but that will be us finished now ending on a high. Sure wel bump into a few bits and pieces on our local summer walks but he seems like he got heart. Even better for you aswel as it’s a bitch and I know you want to keep your own stuff so it could be
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