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Everything posted by fizzgigg

  1. why thank you some who reads before they write
  2. i have no intension of gettin rid of them i have plenty of space time and energy to train them i know eventually i wil have a lot but i am not a one man band either i aint just some young kid whose read a thread and thought ooh lets try this i have thought about it and all set up not that its owt to do with you get a life u miserable git i have kept and bred ferrets for 15 years and just fancied a new challenge
  3. natural selection survival of the fittest! you sound like a nazi lol just kidding mate.Well looks like you gonna do it anyway,so where you gonna get a wild polecat?if you do it i would imagine it would take a cpl of litters before you would possibly get kits that you could handle.Im intrigued though with your plan and it would be interesting to find out the results of such a task.Oh and your right it is a touchy subject on here but at the end of the day its your time and expense and im sure we have all taken on a project that others find senseless and pointless. well i am tall with
  4. natural selection survival of the fittest! you sound like a nazi lol just kidding mate.Well looks like you gonna do it anyway,so where you gonna get a wild polecat?if you do it i would imagine it would take a cpl of litters before you would possibly get kits that you could handle.Im intrigued though with your plan and it would be interesting to find out the results of such a task.Oh and your right it is a touchy subject on here but at the end of the day its your time and expense and im sure we have all taken on a project that others find senseless and pointless. well i am tall with
  5. thanks guys i get what ur sayining but what about the natural selection and survival of the fittest i have 2 superb lines at the moment i just wanted to add it to one of my other lines out of curiosity if u like.
  6. right i know theres alot of debate about this but im gonna ask any way because i really want to add a wild line into one of my line of ferrets and was wondering if anyone of you chaps could help me out in findinding some wild blood i live in bolton but can travel
  7. prevension is always a dam sight better for your dog tan a cure and a lot cheaper get em done pal you dont want to loose ur best hunting buddy over a few quid
  8. thanks again everyone for your help and advice i cot some canural and its shifted it but im gonna get some of that thornit and keep it in thanks again
  9. hi, just out of curiosity and the fact it started a good debate in the pub the other day what dogs do you have what do you feed them on how much do you give them and how often. my collie and springer get anything from fish srcaps, rabbits (bones,fur n all) chicken carcass's and plenty of other quarry, once a week some veg with cottage cheese. depending on how much ie a full rabbit they go a starve day the day after.
  10. cottage cheese is good for their guts but dnt over feed it just once or twice a week is enough natural yoghurt is also supposed to be good for them but never tried it personally hope that helps
  11. thanks lads lots of good ideas gonna give some of them a try il let you know
  12. rabbits dont come into "season" like most mammals do if conditions are right the male will do his part then she becomes receptive and hey presto but yeh they can breed all year round if theres enough food around to feed the doe an the kits hence breeding like rabbits
  13. Hi fellas need some advice my ESS and BC both seem to get ear infections regularly n each time its £40+ at the vets i try to keep wiped down [bANNED TEXT] we been out for walks n stuff but it still happens can anyone suggest anything or is anyone having similar problems?
  14. come on fellas you know this site is watched ffs dont tell him to give it the stick cause it looks bad!!!!! dont get me wrong they need to know whats wrong and right but ive learnt now that losing your rag and twating them aint the way forward cause they only remember the slap and not what they did wrong. my advice would be get the dog obeying everything you say from sit,stay,off the sofa whatever in general around the garden, house etc and get him to a point where he wont do anything around you unless you say to do it THEN take him out around other dogs and a firm pull on the collar and and a
  15. my collie loves to round up kids its quite amusing really. But my springer is a sod [bANNED TEXT] it comes to ducks he just loves em beak n all haha
  16. the same thing happenned to me an we caught a ferret next to the shed after that no more dissappeared some might disagree but personally i think its a ferret or summat similar
  17. have u read Give your dog a bone by Dr ian billinghurst he really knows his stuff. you can just google his name that takes u to his web page. i fed my 2 dogs collie n a springer for years n they r both in tip top condition. every now n then try givin em sum cottage cheese its a good probiotic.
  18. hey [bANNED TEXT] am interested in a fhh wer abouts r u guys from ?
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