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Richard Collett

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Everything posted by Richard Collett

  1. Hello, i am new to the forum but have read many post and firstly your topics regarding spring powered rifles have been very intresting. Yesterday i picked up my rifle from the shooting range the hw77k laminate in 1.77 and after shooting it today it is a dream to shoot straight out of the box. I have read all the comments regarding tuning and one day i will go down that route. I have only been sbooting since aug and brought a wslther rotex rm8 and even though that is a dream to shoot i think once i shot the hw77 and felt that little kick it did something the pcp just couldnt do and thats be m
  2. Hello all, Im new to the site and have only just started to get into shooting, as a kid my parents both had break barrels so have had some play with air rifles before. I started shooting in september and have two air rifles...i have the bug and want to share and find out more. So to the topic of rifles and dream rifles ill start with what i have and what i want (this air rifle dream can come true ) my first gun was a walther rotex rm8 in 1.77 and i have just picked up my new rifle yesterday and thats the weihrauch hw77k laminate in 1.77 and what a rifle it is. If im honest i do love
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