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Richard Collett

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Everything posted by Richard Collett

  1. Cheap and cheerful = save your cash for better mate
  2. Even though he spring,guide will be replaced I have polished the spring ends and the metal on the bottom of the guide. Least then I can tell you the improvements just better QC on weihrauchs own internals can make a difference...or not??? Before shots After 15mins, a quick job... I'm going to re lube, put her back toge Her and take some test shots, I'll have her apart again once my service kit arrives, but let's have a little play and see if what I have done has made any improvements
  3. So I have finished polishing my piston, if only I had a lathe...and knew how to use one hahaha. But here's the finished product, all in prob an hours work. Just putting autosol on before the final spin in the drill... And hopefully this will start to make tiny differences in her shooting cycle and aid in making her a better rifle. what to polish next...mmmm....lol
  4. Haha it's all quite new and was brought for mainly for servicing my rifles. I'm crap at DIY so can't see the workmate getting much action.
  5. So I'm in the middle of polishing my piston and trying to get it to a mirror shine, I thought I would post some pics as I go along. So here's the piston polished to weihrauch QC standards So I've got my drill set up in my work mate, secured my piston in the drill and got my tools for the job: This is a close up of a blemish in my piston seal.... So after stage 1 (600grit wet and dry here's the result) I'll go through 1000/1500 and finish on 2000grit, then I'll give it a good polish with the autosol, then I'll do the same on the trigger sear at the bottom and get that n
  6. The hw35 seal is in better nick than that lol and its over 20+ years older or more and before i took it apart Richard it shot sweet very sweet but she was made when the QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER CARED OR BEFORE HE RETIRED LOL ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY NOW GET THEM OUT THERE AND GET THE MONEY IN at one time we tuned and de,greased because we wanted to now its a case of we have to ITS ALL WRONG ATVBJIMMY :thumbs: If I hadn't got into all aspect of air rifle and maintenance I would never have known that things needed looking at, I've been reading your thread about the H
  7. I was shocked when I saw the piston seal, just explains why I was smelling diesling after every shot and now I'm glad I haven't put to many through her before I stripped her down. Brand new out the box and like you say eventually the seal would have melted. I'm glad I'm confident in taking them apart and putting them back together but the ultimate question is...should we have to be the ones that make HW as good as they are? @jonjon79 mate one day I will go British and buy myself either a tx or pro sport, 1 walther and 2 weihrauch, I'm sure there's space for the best of British with a Germ
  8. Because I have ages to go for for my WW kit I'm polishing it all so I can still get some hours down the range. I've just put some pic of the piston..compaired to my HW77 I think they just dipped my piston in grease and re built. Couldn't see no metal files or crap and the spring looks like they spent a couple of mins making it a little better.
  9. Just some pics of my strip down and some internal before pics No sounder I was smelling diesling...the piston seal had grease all over the head, got the turps on it all and have now degreased. Like I say I'm going to polish all internals tomorrow and post some after pics, couldn't see any piston weights and didn't notice a cocking shoe when I was taking apart. Does that mean I have an older 99s?
  10. On my lunch break i went home and stripped her, only real problems was getting the 4 lugs out the trigger housing. I ended up getting my blow torch on an old allan key and making a small L shape and worked perfectly. Ill post some pics later as the pistons itself was caped in grease, the spring was lubed perfectly what supprised me. Going to get some 600grit wet and dry on the piston over the weekend and work my way up to 1500grit. Get some autosol and polish until i get a mirror finish, then re lube put all back together. As ive got a little wait foe my drop in kit to arrive ill put all of we
  11. Fair comment there mate, you prob hit the nail on the head regarding a home tune anyways, strip, degrease, drop in kit, re lube, fire away...I wanted to be creative and try something that puts me out of my comfort zone and pissing about with the barrel, cutting and re crowning would have just been another skill I picked up on the way but come the end of this tune I still want a rifle that's bang on and lovely to shot. You tube has been my holy grail of visual information aand any idea I have had I've watched/read write ups about it and there's where I have asked your opinions because most
  12. Top man, this is why I have only joined this forum cus you lads are all about helping and same with bigmac97kt with his offer. Top lads who I have a lot of respect for both in your comments and your advice you give.
  13. Cheers mate great advise again, was going to make a ptfe piston sleeve for it to try and reduce twang so if that's another thing that will effect power then again I'll give it a miss if I'm able to reduce twang with a fettle and a drop in kit. To shorten, square off and re crown the barrel seems like a price of piss to do, I'm just thinking it's not really going to make the rifle any better and some of the SFS IMPS have huge moderators on. I think with this project my problem may be raising the power without effecting lock time and firing cycle, I'm comparison to my HW77k where I was too
  14. I've got in contact with tony @ vortek today so will be ordering one of their piston seals at the weekend, so thanks for the contact details mate. I'm stripping her at the weekend and sorting all the internals out. It is the only problem with the WW kit is he waiting time, but I've had a good look at the vortek U.K and should I buy another springer....(the bloke at the shop had a beautiful HW97 blue laminate stock with Crome that teased me when I picked up my 99) I will Defo consider them. I'm trying to be good though as I've have brought 3 rifles in less then a year. I think they are like ta
  15. Hahaha cheers mate I'll leave the hydro dipping to airsoft boys.I did see the photos of the carbon wrap jimmy (bigmac97kt) did on the day state and I must say that did look awesome, I'm glad you said that about the trigger because it was something I wanted to do but the rekord trigger is awesome as it is and I didn't really want that stress tbh so I'm happy to give that a miss. Just finished the scope to day well nearly ran out of carbon wrap for the bit under the lamp so will have to get some more you will need a hair dryer to make it more supple and easier to apply atvbjimmy :t
  16. Hahaha cheers mate I'll leave the hydro dipping to airsoft boys. I did see the photos of the carbon wrap jimmy (bigmac97kt) did on the day state and I must say that did look awesome, I'm glad you said that about the trigger because it was something I wanted to do but the rekord trigger is awesome as it is and I didn't really want that stress tbh so I'm happy to give that a miss. Just finished the scope to day well nearly ran out of carbon wrap for the bit under the lamp so will have to get some more you will need a hair dryer to make it more supple and easier to apply atvbjimmy
  17. I've always used AA or RWS but when I last bulk brought my pellets I wanted to try a lot of other brands to see if they are better. I have a gut feeling the AA will actually do quite well in her so I'm going to buy a tin and test
  18. What makes it worse is they know their customers like to have a little look and fiddle so you would think QC would be shit hot knowing full well 20/30/40% of all rifles sold will have someone open them up. Not good mate but I hope she's bang on target and lovely to shoot now you have done your own QC on her ATB Richard
  19. As I am impatient I decided to book myself in at the range for an hour rather then wait tomorrow, so I wanted to see what she was like to shoot, cock and handle as well as finding the right pellet for her. I only had a few different brand pellets to work with but I think she likes some of what I had. I plan to try air arms diablio as well as JSB exacts when I next do a bulk order of pellets just to see if she likes them but for the time being I'm working with what I have and below are my 5shot groups. I didnt re zero after changing brands as I only cared about group sizing rather then pl
  20. IMG_0252.PNG The opportunity was there to do so much more with that rich. So much more. Of all the images you could think of, you think of a flake... Get ya 99 hydro'd mate on second thoughts I thought I would kill off the the 99 and flake gag before someone else come steam rolling in with it
  21. So I've just give the barrel a clean with Napier pull through kit I have and as expected it needed one, this was my first pull through I've decided not to remove the open sights because I don't like to look with bits sticking out so I've kept the open sights on and that's fine with me as i can always revert back to that should my scope ever break for whatever reason. Taking about scopes I've added a Nikon Stirling mount master illuminated AO 3-9x40 on a hawke one piece mount. I put a couple of shots through the chrono and she was firing at 748fps / 752fps what's about 10.5ft/lb s
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