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About Welshmandownsouth

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I was lucky enough to end up with two sisters out of this litter .I've kept lurchers for 40 odd years and these are showing more promise than any I've had. I do pest control and they can deal with anything. Great feet.great pace lovely temperament and bottle. Bolty pushed the boat out when he bred this litter. True countryman
  2. If this is Bill from Blackpool get my number off Bolty. Carl
  3. The bitch I had out of this litter is coming on great. Had around 40 rabbits and 5 rats and still just 8 months. She's going to be some great dog.
  4. I've got one of the pups out of this litter.I first started keeping lurchers in the 70s and I do pest control for a living. The bitch has had 25 rabbits and 2 rats and still only 7 months. She retrieves to hand and jumps easily. Works cover and has a great future. Nice natured dog and everything you would want in a working lurcher. Sorry I haven't got room for another one. Bolty knew what he was doing with this cross.



  5. Collected my little bitch last week. Cracking little lurcher pup. On the way back to Kent I was thinking at 62 most people are thinking of taking it easy.But Bolty is still researching and studying to get the perfect cross for a lurcher and pushing the boundaries just like he did with the jack russells.I've got three of his jack russells in the kennels and they're all outstanding. Well done Bern.I'll keep posting pics of how the pups progressing.
  6. That's why I've ordered one of these dogs. Bolt has done all the research and brainwork.looking forward to picking up my pup and bringing out the best in her.
  7. I first bought a dog of Bolty in the eighties and have had several since then.I travelled from Kent to South Wales to pick one of these pups. I know how much work and research Bolty has put in to them. I've got 2 lurchers and 3 terriers that work 5 to 6 days a week as I do pest control for a living. I couldnt pass up the chance of one of these pups to add to my team as I think they will make great all rounders for any legal prey. If you look at the breeding they are going to have plenty of brain speed and stamina. Looking forward to going back to South Wales to pick up my pup.Well done mate.
  8. Heard you found the GWP x bitch you've been scouring the country for and she's had a litter.Really interested in one of them, give us a ring I've lost your number. Cheers mate.
  9. Anyone got a second hand mark 3 ferret collar for sale
  10. Hi, The live rat traps I bought were brilliant .Very effective. Will buy more .10 out of 10
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