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Everything posted by spudlington

  1. That's some great shooting there sounder junior, fair play to ye! Well done Sounder, great to see you're training our next generation of sportsmen.
  2. Lovely pics and fine lookng hounds you have there Lurchergirl
  3. Yes mate seperate application for every firearm. Once you can give a reason for it you should be sound, ie 22 for bunnies, 223 for foxing.
  4. This is an interesting question John. The approach i normally take with landowners is to explain what quarry i'll aim to control at different times of the year. Any real problems that arise outside of these times, like this situation, are treated as targeted pest control with no sporting aspect really. So in this instance i would be advising the guy in question to be frank with the farmer. Explain that he doesn't normally control foxes at this time of year but there is obviously an individual animal causing a serious problem. He should tell the landowner that he will bring in his buddy and ter
  5. Well done and congratulations mate. You're hooked now! What model 75 have you got? All of them are cracking, use a 75 Finnlite in 6.5 myself. Spudlington
  6. That's early to get your form alright. Only recently finished a section 42 so feels strange to be thinking of upcoming season already! How did you both do in 07/08 season? Spudlington
  7. Was there a few years back on a hunting drinking and diving trip. It really is an amazing place, loads of hunting, good people and great craic. The non-hunting population are very understanding of the need for wildlife managment and fieldsports in general. Had a great time and would love to go back soon. If you are planning a holiday to check the place out give yourself plenty of time to do it. I was there for nearly 5 weeks, got to see a lot of both islands but would have easily spent the whole time just trying to see as much of the South Island as possible. Amazing place. My parents travel
  8. Looks like a serious piece of kit. Very interested to see how it performs for you.
  9. It's canine alright. The post caught my eye as I saw a nearly black fox recently. Was doing a reccee on some new rabbit permission one evening and saw a decent sized black fox. Tried calling him but he trotted into next field. Followed him and saw him again and another normal colour fox.
  10. Classic! All three had me spraying tea across the room!!!
  11. Don't find the Snug noisy but I wouldn't use it for very tight cover as the shell is a bit light probably. The trousers are the Smallville in green with the extra Hitena on the front. They are very tough with extra Hitena and great for crawling along the bogs but not as silent as I had been hoping. Will be getting another pair without the Hitena front for quieter stalking in woodland.
  12. I have a 6.5 for deer. I use Lapua 155grain for big reds. Haven't done any foxing with it yet (apart from one that I dropped while on my stalking ground ) so haven't tried anything lighter yet. The Lapua stuff has been spot on for some big stags over the winter Just got a moderator for it and re-zeroed it on saturday. Spudlington
  13. Nice pictures and well written. Thanks for sharing Missie
  14. I use a CZ and can't fault it apart from the safety catch pulling back to fire as opposed to sliding forwards, a small thing I know. My missus got herself a 10/22 for a bit of informal target shooting, plinking etc. My god the trigger is terrible! The action and mag need to be spotless to cycle properly and after 100 rounds on the range it starts to clog up. I think if you're willing to put in the time and effort to improve trigger magazine etc and keep it spotless they can be great little guns. I'd say you should stick with the CZ for it's reliability, low maintenance and accuracy with no hea
  15. What sort of price are they selling for Bulldog?
  16. I have always used a rimfire and only recently got myself a 22 air-rifle. I think both are excellent tools for the job. Rather than focusing too much on the job in hand why not look at what other hunting opportunities may come your way. If it will be more of the same type of ground then a 22 or 17HMR is probably the best bet. If you have access to roost shooting pigeons or corvids or woodland squirrels and enjoy a bit of back garden plinking then an air-rifle would open up more opportunities.
  17. Fair play John That's some good work you're doing there. Spudlington
  18. I have the shorter Harris on my .22 and the 13" -23" RockMount on my Deer rifle. If you're getting one regardless of height you should go for the swivel or pivot model that allows the rifle to cant to allow shooting from uneven ground. My Harris doesn't have it and it can be frustrating trying to adjust one leg up or down to even things out. The high leg one has it and i've found it great this season. Not too high for prone shots in longer cover or at full extension ideal for sitting shots. For shooting sticks I use two of those green garden poles, only €3 each and if you bend them or leave
  19. Cheers Sue. The little Whippet/Terrier I have seems to be patrolling the land like a good thing so I might take a chance and hope he does the business!
  20. Bryan, I really rate the Snugpak Jacket I have, wore it all winter out stalking Reds in the sh#ttiest west of Ireland weather. Have a Buffalo jacket too, both great pieces of kit, very similar but if pushed i'd have to say the Snug is more comfortable/less inclined to overheat but the Buffalo has a tougher, more tear-proof outer shell.
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