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About spudlington

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 03/08/1979

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  1. First time seeing that despite reading a lot of his work when I was younger. Thanks for posting
  2. Anyone know the name of this one and anyone have a copy they would sell? Thanks
  3. One thing in particular that the eggs are really good for is wrapping them in minced venison to make scotch eggs.....so so good.
  4. Definitely a good idea to do some ferreting without the Harris for your first couple of outings but you shouldn’t have to wait too long to start working them together. A couple of outings with just ferret and a couple of purse nets will get you a feel for things. Most important element will be to site your ferret hutch where the Harris can see them all day and while he’s out weathering. The constant exposure will make him happy with them and not inclined to go for them, just like with chickens if you keep them too.
  5. I’ve kept Japanese Quail for eggs and eaten a few of the birds too. Eggs were really tasty and the birds eat so little compared to chickens so yes they are efficient. I kept mine in a small broody house with a run on grass, they’re a bit crap at using the nestbox so eggs are laid wherever they feel the urge that day. Also everything I read said they have a poor homing instinct so if you let them free-range during the day they will just f*ck off into the hedgerow for the night. I only ever killed two at a time so dry-plucked which felt slow and a lot of work for a tiny amount of meat. Killing
  6. Always liked the old Winchester 40gr subsonic but they were hard to get hold of so used Magtech for years. Got a few boxes of the new Winchester 42gr subsonic a few weeks ago and they are all over the place through my CZ. Guy sitting next to me at the range tried 10 and had the same crap grouping. Just picked up a box each of cci, S&B and Eley to try so hopefully one will group well.
  7. The area that overhangs is supposed to be a laying box for hens so is partitioned off from rest of the box area. That's where the ferrets choose to sleep and I just have it packed with wood shavings. It's been fine for several winters but I've never had less than about 5 ferrets in there, might be colder with only one or two in there. I had a Jill with 10 kits in there, moved them in at around 6 weeks old and they thrived in it for months. I fitted a small platform for a food bowl but you could add something larger to take advantage of the height.
  8. That's identical to what I have. I have a couple of two-storey hutches too but the large henhouse is brilliant. I made a few adjustments like adding extra clasps top and bottom of the large meshed door. Also added a latch on either side of the flap door on the nest box as the dogs would be able to lift it open causing a potential ferret escape. I have it sitting on concrete slabs and have added pipes etc.
  9. I saw the headline elsewhere but only read the full article now and I almost swamped myself laughing
  10. All Hobs now sold. Jills left, mainly the dark polecat litter.
  11. All Hobs now sold. A few Jills left, mostly dark Polecat.
  12. Brexit must be hitting you boys hard already! That's an average price ( euro ) in Ireland and half of both litters have sold at this price already.
  13. Young from two different strains for sale, Wicklow / Wexford but travel a fair bit so delivery may be possible elsewhere. One litter very dark polecats, other litter sandy / light polecat colour. Working strains and very well handled. Parents and kits have had excellent diet, venison, corvids, pigeon, fish, pigs' heads and several brands of dry ferret food. 35 each, 2 for 50
  14. You don't want to feed ham or bacon to any animal, particularly birds of prey, due to the salt content from the curing process. Pork is a different matter and fine to feed but variety is key, best not to feed too much of any one meat.
  15. Young from two different strains for sale, Wicklow / Wexford but travel a fair bit so delivery may be possible elsewhere. One litter very dark polecats, other litter sandy / light polecat colour. Working strains and very well handled. Parents and kits have had excellent diet, venison, corvids, pigeon, fish, pigs' heads and several brands of dry ferret food.
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