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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Kat

    Dog's for Falconry

    Here's my Viz (aka the tail with the waggiest dog) and our gsp
  2. Well done Graham & Gary
  3. Kat

    Dog's for Falconry

    Any photo's whilst in the "field"? Shaheen Ive been looking Shaheen, but nothing worth posting I find im watching the birds and the dog and dont take pics when the chance is there. Ive lots of them just about the place but not really out hawking.
  4. Kat

    Dog's for Falconry

    No one else using a dog?????
  5. Kat

    my new harris

    Nice Look forward to more pics & hh tales
  6. Kat

    Dog's for Falconry

    Gsp & a Hungarian Vizsla
  7. Kat

    My CR Fhh

    Thanks.. Wag she hunts at 2/2..
  8. Kat

    My CR Fhh

    My main hh is having a late moult as I flew her through the summer so this season im flying Gem..
  9. Ive used one in the past on my GWP who had a paw abrasion. They're very good if you've the sort of dog that'll tolerate it lol but they're a nuisance if your dog's a fidgeter! Basically if you've the kind of daft dog that you can stick a hat on its head and it'll stand there like a fool or the sort the kids can dress up and play with they'll probably not be bothered about the boot but if you've a dog that would under no circumstances have anything daft & silly done to it you may find it'll be hard to convince it to keep it on. Id suggest you put the boot on and immediately take it out for
  10. Kat

    new red tail

    Very nice RT Im a fan too but ive enough here to be getting on with lol Looking forward to more pics and tales
  11. Kat

    my harris

    Nice one Looks like you'll be having a fun season!! I put my hh down for a late moult having flown her through the summer so ive got to start hunting one of our others this weekend.
  12. A friend in France has one and i'd agree with that description of the smell being 'scrummy' lol They put cheese in theirs and it turns out delicious.
  13. Kat

    Eagle owls??

    Hi Dan, with the greatest of respect so please dont be offended, you are not in a good position to have any bird of prey at the moment. You've already stated you know very little about bop and this doesnt bode well for the future of you and a bird or give a breeder a great deal of confidence in you or a desire to sell you something he's hopefully bred with dedication. Owls are not that exciting as hunters and are not actually as easy as you may think. You could really do with getting some first hand experience and handling and read everything you can find on the subject and a mentor would be a
  14. It's rife up here on the North Yorkshire moors Many are just sitting out too thin and sick to even move and on closer inspection their heads are virtually hollow. Dispatched one couple of days ago that I saw running into the drystone walls in a feeble attempt to get through . Saying all this there are many many others who are so far ok.. but I fear its only a matter of time. The myxi'd ones are a useful quarry for our young hawks but its no fun really and the attitude a kill is a kill is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.
  15. Kat

    harris tail

    Surely it's just grown a new one through the moult??
  16. Kat


    Glad you're on your way to getting your bird better. Shame you had no insurance... neither did we at the time when ours broke hers and we gave up counting the cost after £800!! Crazy amount but she's worth every penny.
  17. Kat


    I expect it'll depend on the kind of break it is and exactly where it is as to the treatment. One of our hh's broke her leg last year and ended up in a mega meccano structure! We had to clean where the pins went in every day. She was fine afterwards and is back to her old self. The one thing ive noticed tho is she hates going in her box lol I suppose its association with going in the car to the 'nasty man'. Let us know how your bird does
  18. Whistles are good if the dog has been taught about the command from the off. The trouble with the whistle and the dogs these guys have probs with is that the dog is already ignoring verbal commands so why add another audible command for them to ignore? By rewarding the dog with something that totally floats its boat you stand a chance of getting the dog working for you and not you for it.
  19. Id have left the session after the 3 ball retrieves to be honest.He knows there's something important in the bunny bit as his behaviour changes. I expect you get a bit impatient too and belive me he'll sense exasperation! The thing that often lacks in these cases is simple obedience. You should be able to give him a command to stay still & sit then recal him in. The previous advise is suitable when the dog isnt coming to you. Hence the reason for ignoring the rabbit until the recall is 100%. Then using the dead bunny at just a few feet away. Dont run before you can walk [bANNED TEXT]... t
  20. I seem to be answering 3 or 4 different people lol The whole point of the exercise is to take the emphasis off the retrieve and gear it towards a recall. If there's any chinks in the recall link the retrieve wont work properly. This does work really well but you cant keep 'having a go' at retrieves to see if they're improving.. There's a method to the routine and a sequence that must be followed. Its not a physical problem its a mental one and it'd be great if we could sit the dog down and explain that its being a git and would it please stop lol but we cant so we have to break the habit by
  21. This is so hard without watching you both lol What exactly happens? I mean in detail... presumably the dog has the rabbit in its mouth, does it turn and begin to come back to you? does it come so far then drop the bunny? does it run in a different direction? etc try and be as detailed as possible and try and think what your behaviour is like whilst the dogs is doing whatever its doing.
  22. Glad you're having some success Dont rush the retrieve though... Just get the dog thinking that coming back to you is the game. Dogs love to please and before long it'll be going through its repertoire of 'tricks/skills' trying to make you happy. I cant emphasise enough though that the 'article' thrown is really unimportant for quite a while. If the dog returns and has left the article 'out' make sure the dog has returned right up to you before you go and get it yourself. On the walk to get it and returning to where you started say nothing to the dog, ignore it completely. Dont make it s
  23. Kat

    my male harris

    Nice one hope you have lots of fun with him. Was there a reason you went for an older bird?
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