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Everything posted by Ratman2

  1. Well someone has to keep an eye on you mate
  2. Ratman2 saying hello, I joined some time ago but never got round to introducing myself. I enjoy clay shooting, rough shooting and vermin control, I also enjoy a bit of plinking with my many air guns. My other interests are good food and real ale , I've never had a Big Mac and most probably never will. I can be a bit outspoken and my sense of humour has in the past upset one or two on the bitch fight forum so if I offend anybody here, tough!! I do tend to get on my soap box in defence of shooting and country sports, it's our way of life so please leave us alone. That's all for now fr
  3. The most important thing with shotguns is fit, a poor fit leads to all sorts of problems including 'shooters love bite'. I assume you only intend to do game shooting and I'm not being cheekie when I ask, have you used a shotgun before?? if not I recomend you get down to a local clay club and get some practice, talk to the members and get a bit of advice. As for what gun to buy this depends on your budget, I have a Miroku MK38 for clays and a cheap and cheerful LIG SbS for rough shooting. As someone has already said a Lanber Sporter is a good choice for £3-400. Hope some of this helps and ha
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