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Everything posted by paddybarr

  1. he did the crime and hes done his time fook me 18 years for what he did is more than fair i say let him out
  2. ive got a whippet that barks at west indians true btw
  3. whats the saying " united we stand" nowt like sticking together If your doing a good job and the farmers think your the dogs bollocks why are you worrying? its hard enough to get permission buts its even harder to get some where someone has already got a lad doing a good job
  4. Lol. or greame norton,hes the industril type! you need to get a dog skull and rig it so the 2 halves move in a grinding motion
  5. get yourself to Morrisons 14 tog duvet a fiver
  6. what a load of bollocks!!! we work 5 dogs at a time... 4 will sniff and walk away, the marking dog will come along and mark! simple...And what you on about a "true mark" The dog will "mark" it simple.. either tail waging, pointing, still stance, head in and not come out, etc etc.... Plus a good marking dog will never give you a false mark(as you put it), and why should it.... Thats why there are good marking dogs and excellent ones, they never give a "false mark" as you call it... i typed a reply and thought f**k it your obviously a lot more knowledgeable than me
  7. marking is a given in all running dogs once your dog has had hold and smelt its quarry the marking instinct is imprinted the skill is knowing your dog and understanding if its a true mark, saying some dogs are better markers is bollocks any dog can stick its head down a hole the skill is with the hunter knowing a true mark from a false especially if your working several dogs
  8. day in the dales with a couple of dogs, had a cracking day
  9. maybe you did a good job last year, thats how we get permission "rabbit eradication" might be time to find some new permission
  10. we hope...makes me fcukin sick She wants to do that her choice, the horse had no choice. fuxing unbelieveable, running dog or terrier has a choice?
  11. the amount that gets shot since the ban there will be none left to evolve
  12. get a garlic clove cut it into little bits and force 5/6 bits down its beak put it in a box full of straw somewhere warm give it 48 hours and if theres no improvement pull its neck
  13. get a garlic clove cut it into little bits and force 5/6 bits down its beak put it in a box full of straw somewhere warm give it 48 hours and if theres no improvement pull its neck
  14. same as sloe gin but use damson and vodka Wild Damson Gin Recipe: Ingredients: * 1lb/454gm of washed wild damsons * 6 ozs/168gm of white granulated sugar * 75cl bottle of medium quality gin * Sterilised 1 litre (at least) Le Parfait jar or wide necked bottle with stopper/cork Method: Wash damsons well and discard any bad or bruised fruit. Prick fruit several times with a fork and place damsons in either a large Kilner/Le Parfait jar or a wide necked 1 litre bottle. * Using a funnel, add the sugar and top up with gin to the rim. * Shake every day
  15. could be meningitis dog needs to be on steroids asap
  16. the hare does not have a close season, but most sportsmen/hunters leave them till winter the syndicate im a member of do not allow any to be shot
  17. why would the price of a pup determine wether the person selling them are pedlers??
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