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Everything posted by paddybarr

  1. LV, Eng FT Ch Haulstone Larry won the IGL ( UK ) Retriever Championship in 1937 running as a golden retriever. His Grandmother Lizzie was registered with the KC as ( retriever interbred) ; His great grandmother was Haulstone Jenny ( Retriever Interbred) and his gggrandfather was Eng FT Ch Laylers Defender ( Labrador). And his owner was not viewed as a cheat by either the Kennel Club or his fellow competitors AND people did purchase pups from him as his lines are still carried through to today. And if you looked at photographs of him - you would say he was a golden retriever. Now if the K
  2. LV, Eng FT Ch Haulstone Larry won the IGL ( UK ) Retriever Championship in 1937 running as a golden retriever. His Grandmother Lizzie was registered with the KC as ( retriever interbred) ; His great grandmother was Haulstone Jenny ( Retriever Interbred) and his gggrandfather was Eng FT Ch Laylers Defender ( Labrador). And his owner was not viewed as a cheat by either the Kennel Club or his fellow competitors AND people did purchase pups from him as his lines are still carried through to today. And if you looked at photographs of him - you would say he was a golden retriever. Now if the K
  3. Martin i was using an analogy ( for WhipxGrey An analogy demonstrates the similarity or similarities between two things or concepts) re Greyhound/whippet racing and making the assumption that you of all people would understand the anger of fellow racers (be it a field not track) who felt the dogs were not graded correctly i have not organised a show this year although i have been involved in an organising capacity for several events over the season i am aware of the importance of clarity and take great care to make sure all competing have a clear understanding of the rules and regs i am also
  4. "money came into the pedigree side" what ya talking about peds have always been more expensive (your paying for proven ancestry) peds race peds unpeds race their own non peds are a lot faster simples your right i know feck all,,,,,i know how ,,,,the highland derby came about,,,,and i know,,,,when geordies came with there whippets to dundee,,,it all changed in the whippet racing up here ,,,( i know feck all ) i know one thing ,,,,whippets where the poor mans greyhound,,,,hows this for POOR ---- http://www.pets4home...02578F20032A6B7 http://www.pets4home...02578FC002F8766
  5. Martin has a crossbred Whippet which is unregistered! I did not say it was an unregistered KC whippet. Our classification was KC whippets and unregistered whippets ( not specified as purebred whippets without registration). This to include unregistered whippets of all types. My point was that if a whippet is unregistered by definition its parentage/ ancestry is not confirmed. Short of DNA testing no one can say its a whippet except the owner. We will discuss this with our organisers but it is likely in future we will run classes for whippets ( KC registered) and whippets ( un reg) or (
  6. "money came into the pedigree side" what ya talking about peds have always been more expensive (your paying for proven ancestry) peds race peds unpeds race their own non peds are a lot faster simples
  7. its more of how they perceive the car and the motion,,if they perceive it as a negative it will have that effect on them,,if on the other hand you make it a positive experience ,the feeling of been in motion will feel great to the mutt,, Take an hour out and try this, start with as short a journey as possible ,just to some green patch to throw ball for the pup,back in car again drive to some other grassy area ,play ball again ,and so it goes on ,if ya can drive to as many areas in that hour, dont have to be different places just back and forth ,the pup hoping in and out of the motor ,on
  8. http://www.expresschemist.co.uk/traveleeze_travel_sickness_pastilles.html There ya go has the same ingredients as sea legs (made by same company) the link also sells sealegs (instock)
  9. , bit skewed with your assumtions Martin, there is KC Whippet racing and non ped, KC are guaranteed 100 percentage bona fide whippets non ped may "look"like whippets but as you pointed out- "These dogs will always easily beat a KC whippet" why? because they are not "true" whippets they are a mix generally with greyhound making them faster i imagine thats why there is some discord amongst the irish racers and quite rightly so if they own KC whippets they should be racing whippets not something that has a distinct advantage over them, I would say the way forward is whippets race whippets non p
  10. n burnley mate, bin running lurchers for years jst fancy a whippet or a whippetx, u kno where i cn get a decent wrkin whippet frm? Try Nigel he has some pups on http://rabbitrunnerwhippets.website.orange.co.uk/
  11. I think we can all agree there is no closed season on that,well, a week a month , maybe. No closed season here ive got my "red wings"
  12. Think Snoopdog has summed it up if you believe fine if you dont they will never work basically it boils down to perceived value, the clinical trails say it doesn't work the owners say it does the owner makes the call "perceived value" "The trustworthiness dimension of credibility captures the perceived goodness or morality of the source"
  13. I'm not talking about Lurchers in general; I'm on about Saluki Hybrids and Non-Ped Whippets, which DO breed true to type. Cheers. "Type" being??? all the whippet non ped breeders i know breed for 1 purpose SPEED and the coursers for ability anyone can add anything into the mix if they wish so to be regonised as a breed "type" would have to be more defined and breeding have limitations same as KC
  14. stopped here 2 very good but very little game looked like it would be tipping but never had a sniff the whole week still a decent place and no hassle took 7 dogs and owners were great very laid back
  15. if you think thats cruel youve led a sheltered life!
  16. lurchers whippet x Borzoi's not a smart move try looking for borzoi's hunting wolves on youtube in russia they tie a rope to captive wolves so they can slow them down for the pack to catch
  17. http://cuban-christmas.com/pigroast2.html
  18. i have a Tiablo with collminator which i rate highly but i have ordered a cheap one from china so will compare and let you know my understanding is all led componets come from china anyway
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