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Everything posted by paddybarr

  1. Like you say its hard to imagine but not everything in the US is bigger and better
  2. what do you expect of your dog when ferreting???
  3. Ever watched Grizzly Man he had bags of confidence and Steve Irwin he had a bit too
  4. ? = Negative assertion And what do you know about men who put their hands in dark holes? that their double hard b*****ds think we just have different takes on it and i respect your point of view good luck with keeping your fingers into old age
  5. If you can't or won't handle your game then i'de say it's time to learn or time to change your chosen sport young man. That's the exact line I was going to write ..... Fukc me it's like getting in a ring as a boxer but you don't like getting hit .... Take balet sweetness .............. i give up on this site, just a simple question, i am in no way a seasoned pro, i dont go out with the 'top boys' i go out with local lads, ive never handled a fox properly and ill admit that, my balls are also small for you boys who are into that, i used to be on here alot, not any more not worth all
  6. ive used tongs and i have handled game and ive never been cruel to any prey ive hunted trouble is not everyone is the same and unfortunately that is why the sport is held up for scrutiny by the anti's who obviously read this forum collecting useful data for their cause the guy asked a reasonble question and all he got was macho shite
  7. If you can't or won't handle your game then i'de say it's time to learn or time to change your chosen sport young man. That's the exact line I was going to write ..... Fukc me it's like getting in a ring as a boxer but you don't like getting hit .... Take balet sweetness .............. i give up on this site, just a simple question, i am in no way a seasoned pro, i dont go out with the 'top boys' i go out with local lads, ive never handled a fox properly and ill admit that, my balls are also small for you boys who are into that, i used to be on here alot, not any more not worth all
  8. you wont get the same quality as US made best bet is to take 1 of your imported pulley's to a small engineering unit and ask if they can copy
  9. mate ditch the nets you have plenty of dogs and decent terrain more sporting and dogs are doing what their bred for well done good vid
  10. http://www.fosterpoultry.co.uk/index.php/www-fosterpoultry-co-uk/p_49.html
  11. Basically they can do what they want, i was stopped in the van last year coming back from permission with dogs game and lamps in the van they said they had pulled me as i dint have insurance and after a million questions re dogs etc said they was confiscating van due to it not showing on database i argued as i knew i had policy at home and rang wife to bring as it was 10 mins from my house she turns up with policy and all i got was it flung back at me and told get on your way that over 50 mins and if i hadnt of got our lass to bring doc van would have been impounded i reckon they knew it was
  12. Albert you spend your life defending your actions doesn't that tell you something??
  13. heres some clips of my yorkshire tree hounds notice the cammo protective gear
  14. im a shooter and if i was asked to control hares with the kinda of numbers being mentioned i would get the quad a lamp man and a rifle a couple of nights work and you would have 100's bagged humanely and with usable carcass's(head shots) quarry treated with respect same as every creature i hunt, driven hare shoots are wrong on lots of levels that's why emotions run high
  15. personal responsibility answers any argument you can make,I can own an aggressive dog and take all reasonable precautions to stop it ever hurting anyone. If some adult retard tries to kiss it or hug it without permission they get what they deserve,and before you say if a kid ran over to any of my (friendly) dogs,they'd not get close enough for anything to happen. if you can't stop a child getting near your dog,sell it and get a hamster. Macho bullshit read this http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/local/localbrad/9461134.Woman_tells_of_terror_after_losing_arm_in_dog_at
  16. Can see both sides of the argument but to be fair the dog had lulled her into a flase sense of security it was lapping up the stroking etc and snapped when she was stupid enough to put her face into it just what a child would do!! these dogs do not have a place in this country ok i know that a handful of people could own and work them responsibly but for ever good owner there would be a load of dickheads with a ticking time bomb on the end of a lead. sorry but if that had been my dog it would have gone straight to vets to be pts
  17. It probably was at this time of year it would have been well on, considering they give birth to their young in May . They are pregnant during the normal stalkers doe cull so makes no odds really. Well it does really as after January 31st we accept that the pregnancy is that far forward we generally leave them alone unless they are infirm or showing signs of being injured where only then we consider from a point of view to cull it, but a healthy animal normally would be left to carry it pregnancy through. During the Doe cull from after 31st January we concentrate on last years doe k
  18. If you no the answer why ask the question??
  19. the Whippet Coursing Club must have been wasting their time for 5 decades, should of asked you before they formed The answer is yes they can and yes they do have enough stamina and no they dont catch as many as other sighthounds try watching this to see a whippets stamina I said they dont have stamina for big winter hare's , and i stand by my word's take a whippet to the fens and put it behind a big winter hare and see what happens i have and thats why im commenting
  20. the Whippet Coursing Club must have been wasting their time for 5 decades, should of asked you before they formed The answer is yes they can and yes they do have enough stamina and no they dont catch as many as other sighthounds try watching this to see a whippets stamina
  21. Your not doing anything wrong just the breed if you want bigger birds buy an indian game cock to put over the RIR's or get some day old cobbs them feckers grow like crazy
  22. Aye and hes not on here beating his gums about, does like a lot do crack on and keep stum
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