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Everything posted by paddybarr

  1. send me a pm and i will send you a sample i work for a company that make a natural one called Mosi-Guard the trouble with products with deet jungle formula etc is that deet is very destructive to rods and reels thats why you often see clips of soldiers with guns that are protected with plastic as the mod use deet. the London School Of Tropical Diseases clinicly trialed all products and found Avon safe soap (the product rattingaddict saw on the telly) not effective
  2. spot on wilky are you taking orders? i need one big enough for two whippets
  3. good types chris i used to show about 10 years ago oxfords asils shamos sumatras indian get them booked into the great yorkshire they have a poultry show on the thursday also the OEG club had a show in Jan in Carlise
  4. ive got one dickyboy ize gota good head on him aswell
  5. just had the same problem with a 9 month whippet vet was shite pushed for a lumbar puncture and turns out its meningitis on a high dose of steriods and she is making good progress
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