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Everything posted by paddybarr

  1. you can feed it, you have to mince it bones,skin,guts an all to a fine dust mix it with lots of other things dogs dislike bake it to high heat extrude it into kibble size bits and spray it with chicken fat to make it palatable
  2. good day brimmer, you be careful with that dog ull be wearing him out with all this strenuous exercise, good job youve not got a shivering whippet
  3. the story is a crock of piss, what kind of prick walks away from 4 of his dogs that have just been shot, anybody that shot any of my dogs and i would be freaking out, sounds like urban myth shit to me
  4. worm throughout with Panacur totally harmless, last litter of nine never saw a worm!
  5. it dont course hares because im not interested in them ,but the rest of above and more ,but i wont ever prove it to you im afraid. crossing a whippet with a bedlington is like buying a ferari and putting an escort engine in it you get more miles to the gallon but lose all the performance theres nothing at 20tts that can touch a good whippet fact bollocks, there are more beddlington whippets about than there are any other whippetx. \ your right, but why? like the guys says their as slow as aweek and bring little else to the party
  6. take a look around the arse has fallen out of the car game noodys right £3000ish i knew its a bummer as i have a 3 year old saab thats in negative equity
  7. This is her husband and ive been training dogs to feild trail standards for a number of years and a an excellant reputation for breeding top gun dogs this breed has come to us to refine the breed and to reg the breed with the kennel club useing my experanice I have shooting deer and game for 30 yrs and a lot of people who know very little has an point to make no the breed has not got corgi in it you only have to see that and the britt has a docked tail my dogs go all over the world as do I and already have a lot of people who want one refine and reg with KC WHY??? why do we need thi
  8. paddybarr


    have i missed something here, how the f@ck is a keeper or anyone else got the right to stop anyone on a public road not commiting anything unlawful and do anything, anyone stops me in those circumstances i keep walking plus they would get a slap if they decided to box me in etc, and all these replys saying why was he doing this and that makes no odds because he was on a public road with a dog and a torch end off a position i find myself in most nights of the week. hope it turns out right for ya
  9. think this thread should be locked, she has had too much of an "advert" already
  10. morning - weetabix & goats milk afternoon - scrambled egg/grated carrot teaspoon of olive oil mid day - waggs puppy dry food/ naturel yogout watered down night - beef mince I would leave out the weetabix grated carrot?? waggs and natural yogurt go for meat mince chicken lamb and pork ( although that will get everyone shouting about not feeding dogs pork i feed mine and have looked for strong clinical evidence and there isnt any) fed in any combo you wish and last thing at night leave down some decent ( 1st ingredient Meat not meal or dereviates) complete ring the changes with so
  11. what??? back door window etc is the best bit ventalation for the dogs , plus a tail gat to sit on and sort dogs out on
  12. your pups fine on meat and bone theres no need for veg
  13. the chance of contracting rabies would through preparing the carcass ie gutting,is it worth the risk? if i was hunting were rabies was prevelant i would be getting post exposure vaccine, rabies is 100% fatal and 100% preventable and having watched a medical video (i worked for a vaccine company selling rabipur rabies vaccine) of people dying of the disease i wouldnt risk it. In India were they make a local vaccine by infecting goats with rabies killing them and basicialy liquidising the brain matter, they have problems with local dogs becoming infected thro eating the carcass's so i presum
  14. theres a place in bradford they advertise in autotrader or milner 4x4 if you want new parts
  15. try this way next time alot easier http://cuban-christmas.com/pigroast.html
  16. called pap in yorkshire, alot of the old boys years ago especially some romanys i knew used to dunk their sandwichs in a brew of tea think alot to do with lack of teeth
  17. if he got dog he could call that Amir and they could play hide and seek
  18. yep put it right in a house without newborn babies or put it to sleep
  19. same thing happened to me with a jrt bit my sister was given a reprieve 2 months later he attacked and bit me he ws pts immediatly you MUST do the same with a baby on the way all this bollocks about "show him whos boss" and pecking order the problem is the new baby will be bottom of the pecking order and will be very vunerable
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