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Everything posted by juba1972

  1. Had a handcock 3/4 right few years ago he was black, broken coated with a touch of beardie in him. I cant remember the sire and dam although he sent me a sheet of paper with it all on but im near sure Arthur was the sire out of a greyhound bitch. Upshot was he was useless. I wanted him for lamping and the odd hare. He just couldn't turn think he wanted to do it but just couldn't. I ended up giving him to a wee lad down the street for a pet I'm sure theres some goodins tho cheers
  2. Had the 170 cracking lamp, dimmer switch for going through ditches and goes from spot to flood best lamp I ever had to be fair.
  3. Fair play mate good luck with him hell probably end up a goodin lol
  4. Well craigo I'm originally from Belfast but I'm in living in co down was on here many moons ago so back to my roots lol
  5. Thanks a lot lads for the welcome.
  6. Thank you, here's to next September lol
  7. I'm a new member. Done a lot of hunting years ago hares mostly and a bit of lamping. Life changes mean I've room for a pup. She's mostly collie grey but I'm not 100%. She's a lovely pup and showing good signs...but sure ill keep yez posted.
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