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About juba1972

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    co down
  1. She looks like a typical sneeky lurcher in that pic lol all the best ?
  2. Don't usually back anything until I see them going up once its bit of a lottery really the bookies usually clean up tho ?
  3. Heading down this year first in about 5 years looking forward to it.
  4. Anyone heading to clonmel this year ?
  5. And I don't mean any disrespect sorry lol ?
  6. I can honestly say that's the worst video I've ever seen....
  7. Aye no problem here maybe I'm wrong...i knew that when I started that conversation it would be taken up by lads who love their saluki lurchers...the lad put the post up had that dog for 2 years and it never showed an interest in wool before...I've said me piece on it so ill let it go there...atb
  8. Here no problem each to their own. I was gifted a dog pup about ten years ago from a local fella who bred a litter of saluki lurchers. Long story short I reared it to about 12 months in which time I had it round sheep and it showed absolutely no interest in them. Anyway, I had it out at the start of the season put a hare up and he did ok the hare made cover and he went out of sight. When I got to him he was standing over a ram waiting on the mint sauce. I was telling the lad who bred them what happened he said the whole litter were the same...everyone can have their own opinion going by experi
  9. Na been going on experience with salukis have seen 3 go for mutton, rip theyre throats out like good old professionals.have also seen loads that didn't. Truth is I don't trust them they've a mind of they're own when off the lead. I know people swear by them they're just not for me. We all entitled to our opinion.
  10. Yea lurcherlad your 100% I still wouldn't put up with a jacker but if they give you 100% that's enough atb
  11. A saluki doing a sheep...now theres a surprise...the truth is that Ireland ain't like England theres no sheep on the fens try a different cross lad...salukis were bred to tackle antelope if they loose a big rabbit and theres something handy they'll take it atb
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