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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. For us it's usually £20 for however many nights camping and fishing over the weekend and £20 to fish the match. Cheers, D.
  2. I agree, so my Mrs tells me ? Cheers, D.
  3. I would be happy to be auctioneer unless there is someone else ear marked for the job? Cheers, D.
  4. Suprise there, you never said? Cheers, D.
  5. I shot one off the feeders yesterday, let the dogs out, the pup was running round the garden with it, had to go out in my shreddies and tee shirt and crocs to corner him.? Neighbours loved it ? Cheers, D.
  6. Id take your phone number off here and just ask for pms initially. Stay safe. Cheers, D.
  7. See a thread lock looming? ? Shame. Good thread. Cheers, D.
  8. Thought you were downsizing? ? Cheers, D.
  9. Polar - Netflix 1 hour 50mins Daft but strangely enjoyable black comedy hitman/revenge movie. Watchable 6+/10 Cheers, D.
  10. That's 3 meals! No wonder your so fat ffs ? Cheers, D.
  11. At least now Homes Under the Hammer will be back on ? Cheers, D.
  12. Chaos. Netflix 1 hr 45mins 2005 Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes. Buddy cop heist movie with a few twists. Slightly dated but a decent watch 7+/10 Cheers, D.
  13. I'll knock a few nails in the beams to hang the dog leads on mate, save you a job. Cheers, D.
  14. Wigan Casino ffs, first used to go before I could drive lol used to be some shit comedown having to catch 3 buses home ? Cheers, D.
  15. It's a version of the "moonwalk" if you go on Jewtube there's instruction vids, have a go ? Cheers, D.
  16. You gonna be back for the comp mate or are you back now? Cheers, D.
  17. That's how my old man used to like pheasants ? dog food only back in the day, tried em a few ways but not for me. Cheers, D.
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