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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. Not really, got a couple of general ones but nothing really local, having said that I did have one on the D&S that was Sid Gs but that may have gone in a hunt charity auction. At work atm but I'll check tomorrow. Cheers, D.
  2. Ditto mate, shame really Cheers, D.
  3. No mate Sid G put a good bid in for them so I think Geth put them to one side for him. Cheers, D.
  4. Just watched it, yeah good, an 8/10 from me ? Cheers, D.
  5. Mackem be locked up somewhere at a guess ? I miss Scothunter ? Cheers, D.
  6. No but I've got some more since I posted that lol. Got pretty much all the "famous" authors/titles if there's something you particularly want, ask me, more than likely got it ? Cheers, D.
  7. My Mrs brought one down when they'd cleared her dad's house after he died. Cheers, D.
  8. Cheers for that Wolfie ? Cheers, D.
  9. Keep trying fellà, good luck. Cheers, D.
  10. Only a passenger mate ?? Cheers, D.
  11. Got one as well ? Cheers, D.
  12. Got a mate out in Missouri, is that on the flight path? Good luck. ? Cheers, D.
  13. Grandson won player of the year, under 10s today ???? Cheers, D.
  14. Last night's Curry dinner. Cheers, D.
  15. I hated them, till I wore them ? Cheers, D.
  16. Oldie but a goodie for some of a certain age. Cheers, D.
  17. Lot of black and tan and red terriers coming down from the North at that time. Cheers, D.
  18. Don't what happened there "hic" Cheers, D.
  19. When I saw the thread title thought Charts was doing a bike ride? ? Cheers, D.
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