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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. Immunotherapy is working! Tumour reduced from 23mm to 16mm Cheers, D.
  2. Hurry up and pay for Raya and give JDT some funds before he leaves for a Palace or Forest etc. Cheers, D.
  3. Were you in Pulp Fiction TOMO? Cheers, D.
  4. King'll be here in a minute Cheers, D.
  5. Punisher - War Zone Shite, even more shite cos my HDMI lead is f****d and was all green tinted Cheers, D.
  6. Nice to see you back posting Vin. Hope you're well Cheers, D.
  7. Used to see them on the (rowan?) Berries around Tesco's at Wadebridge a few years ago. Cheers, D.
  8. Cheese and onion, all made by me Cheers, D.
  9. They were ok, I took care cooking them, Sainsbury's Cumberland, nowt special Cheers, D.
  10. Yesterday's lunch. Cheers, D.
  11. The one near us made cardboard boxes. I was too thick to get a job there Cheers, D.
  12. Single man's food Cheers, D.
  13. Well done mate, you seem to be getting some better weather than us Cheers, D.
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