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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. dytkos

    MP stabbed

    Nearly lol. Cheers, D.
  2. dytkos

    BBQ Smoker

    You kidnapped another 4 kids? ? Cheers, D.
  3. Turn off extreme content lock on Google Cheers, D.
  4. Neighbours just bought one, 18 MTHS old, R Spec, loves it. But not the adaptive cruise control lol Cheers, D.
  5. I drive Peugeot partner van bought for £1900 , spent about £4000 on it in 6 years, 40,000 miles ? Cheers, D.
  6. Thats why I go on my own usually ? Cheers, D.
  7. I've been following hounds today, no dogs cos I've got one with kennel cough, took my thumbstick for the first time in ages, enjoyed it ? Cheers, D.
  8. Hope they're still going 14 years later. ? Cheers, D.
  9. When it gets colder here, sometimes well before Christmas. Cheers, D.
  10. Reloading room? Do you have a butler as well? ? Cheers, D.
  11. It's dog eat dog even within the hunting community ? Think forestry been out for a few years in certain areas? Cheers, D.
  12. Do you not get fed up talking sense ? must be 3rd or 4th time now lol Cheers, D.
  13. Reckon my suggestion was best ? Cheers, D.
  14. If in doubt, don't risk it, there's plenty of rabbit holes that aren't near setts. I'd give it a miss. It may run very deep as well so not worth the hassle, especially as you couldn't dig the ferret out if it lies up without the risk of prosecution for disturbing a sett. Find a different set of holes. Cheers, D.
  15. Mix some food colouring up with white grout? Cheees, D.
  16. Exactly the same for me Phil. I had a few months off work back in the early 80s and I was up Airton twice a week, we caught a lot of rabbits, drunk a lot of beer and had a lot of laughs. R.I.P mate, you were one of the best guys I've hunted with and showed me plenty of great hospitality, just a random bloke you got talking to at a coursing meet. ? D.
  17. Read the reviews, it's a shocker lol but it passed 3 long, slow hours at work quite nicely.? Cheers, D.
  18. Heat, Netflix 3 hours. All star cast, cops Vs robbers. An oldie but a goody. 8/10 Cheers, D.
  19. Body of Lies, Netflix, just over 2 hours, DeCapprio and Crowe chasing Islamic terrorists around the globe. Good, 8/10 Cheers, D.
  20. , I enjoy a drink and seem to be able to moderate it more these days... Fukc off ??? Cheers, D.
  21. Same here, our local place has been very poor, same for the berries on the trees. Cheers, D.
  22. Bad Day for the Cut: Netflix, 1 hour 40 mins Budget Irish revenge movie, still not sure whether it's a black comedy or not lol. Watchable 6/10 only. Cheers, D.
  23. Very patchy mate, couldn't stay on a line for very long. Cheers, D.
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