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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. If you are in sheltered housing it will probably be on a communal license. Don't worry. Cheers, D.
  2. Maybe not the best forum to ask on mate, maybe better on a general training forum? HTH. Cheers, D.
  3. That dogs been dead for over 35 years mate. Cheers, D.
  4. Kinell Charts, they're old, I bought the first one for mother's birthday, when I was about 18 lol. The Mr Nice ones are quite a good read, Mrs brother sent me the first one down and a while later I went to an Evening With Howard Marks, got him to sign it: to Wayne, good toking, Howard Marks. Gave it back to him next time we went back up North and he said "I didn't like the cnut, anyway" lol Used to have loads but car booted them when we came out of the pub, mostly sports and entertainment people. Cheers, D.
  5. Yes mate, very good, still got it, got the Dalgleish one as well if anyone wants to read them? Cheers, D.
  6. Tupac and Jarvis joint first ? Cheers, D.
  7. Policeman jailed for keeping gold coin proceeds WWW.BBC.CO.UK PC David Cockle sold 10 gold coins for £15,000 despite a deal being in place to split the proceeds. This fella lives just down the road from me now. Cheers, D.
  8. How much was that? At a guess I'd say twenty sick squid ? Cheers, D.
  9. Jimmy Carr - His Dark Materials: Netflix, 1 hour ish the usual edgy stuff but pretty much all new 8/10 Cheers, D.
  10. Please put me in for the fleece pullover as well ? Cheers, D.
  11. You could have got a few more chips and a couple of slices of bread on there if you'd ditched the salad mate. ? Cheers, D.
  12. Cnuts got a Rovers mask on ?? Cheers, D.
  13. It's a balmy +5° in Cornwall ? Cheers, D.
  14. dytkos

    Van Halen

    Cancer, about a year or two ago? Cheers, D.
  15. We went out with the Blencathra one day many years ago. Blew to ground and two lads set off running down the fell. Short time later they reappeared carrying bars, shovels etc. We went in the local pub before we drove the 100 miles home and there was a photo of these lads (2 brothers) on the wall, they were local Fell Runners and that's how they trained lol And the Huntsman at the time? Johnny Richardson, escaped from the Japs in WW2 and walked 200 miles to freedom, twice, second time without boots so they legend says. That fella could yomp the fells, even in his 70s ?? Cheers,
  16. Not me mate, had me Ron Hills on ? Cheers, D.
  17. Same here, 90% permission, run what I want, park in the farmyard. Took me 30++ years to get to this stage. Shame for the young(er) keener lads ? Cheers, D.
  18. Three/four times a week, 2/3 pints, got to help, next nearest ones 2 miles ? Cheers, D.
  19. Cheer up you miserable old fukcer ??? Cheers, D.
  20. Cycled 12 miles with the pup, had a pub lunch halfway, got a puncture on the way back ? Home showered, big brew, ready for a walk round to the pub. Only feel about 30 ? Cheers, D.
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