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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. Thanks H&J I've contacted the company and asked them if any one stocks them near me, if they doo then I'm gonna go have a look; I think you might be right about the comfort but I will look at them anyway as they are either going to be great or absolute crap. Thanks for the Advice Lud PS I couldn't get the link to work. Looks like a posers spade to me.....
  2. She's gone a lot lighter this past month since the weather turned colder.
  3. Decide what sort of work you want to do with your dog, and research which breed/type/cross of dog will best suit your purpose then look out for one that fits the bill. He/she will hopefully be your companion for a dozen years or so, so it's like chosing a missus but more important! Like Giro says, go for a pup then you can both learn together! Good luck. Cheeers, D.
  4. There used to be a 9mm garden gun, like a pistol with a long barrel and a removable stock that was for sale a while ago. They fire a 9mm shotgun type cartridge. These could still be available for less than a couple of hundred quid.
  5. No squirrels left round here mate!
  6. Not a good pic but here's my 7 year old first cross Sorry, I'm talking shite, she's a second cross, (missus in my ear)
  7. Not a good pic but here's my 7 year old first cross
  8. Once again, E bay for about 4 quid delivered
  9. Fair play to the person who released it for not wanting to be a glory hunter.
  10. Depends on how many you want to feed but Guinea Fowl is bloody superb!
  11. Rod for finding tubes, saw for roots and a torch are always helpful as are knee pads and decent trousers.
  12. Vaughan, i think you may be getting your mole facts slightly mixed up, they need around 20 worms a day, but they need on average about 200 mts minimum of tunnels to produce these. Regards MT. ps, WHAT MOLEY SAID ABOUT LIVECATCH TRAPS IS RIGHT, THEY ARE CRAP. Are you skiving today as well?
  13. Not in Cornwall mate, I've had to join the Somerset area! D.
  14. Greyhound if you only want one, saluki if you want a full morning of it!
  15. E bay usually can save you a few quid
  16. I've got several, I'll dig them out and photo them dreckly. D. DYTKOS, easy mate, let me have a rummage through that lot before you throw yourself to the wolves, you would be suprised how much some can be worth. See ya tommorrow or day after. Yeah calm down you were in the shed last week!
  17. 50 yards is OK if the fox has seen a lamp or heard a squeak before.
  18. dytkos

    New Union Jack

    don't want black in the same country as me Feckin classic AL. you know what i think. :mamba: Now, now, perhaps we need to be a bit more tolerant as quarry species numbers are reducing!
  19. I've got several, I'll dig them out and photo them dreckly. D.
  20. Ask Moletrapper, he has a similar scope
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