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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. If you can get a thin sheet of galvanised metal or similar as big as the area they are shitting in and put it down and put some of their dung on it they will use this area and you have an easy slide out tray type mechanism which is easy to keep clean. The farther away from their nest/food the better.
  2. I have one on here for sale Would you post or PM details/spec/price etc? Cheers, D.
  3. Thanks for that, was the Mossberg a 3 shot? Where did you buy them from? Love the Smiths line also. Cheers, D.
  4. Does anyone have any feedback on the Hushpower range of shotguns?
  5. Mate of mine had one 25 years ago and it was indestructable. The first real offroader about that wasn't a Landie.
  6. I usually use 2" to reduce the number of small ones that get through the net as I ferret most of the year in some places.
  7. Two's good on an "hourly rate" basis! Cheers, D.
  8. Good quote. S/S every time, traditional!
  9. Well done mate, I often ferret by myself and dog and it's hard work sometimes. You've got to be selective in the buries you ferret or you miss too many.
  10. Better than sitting in the house! great pics!
  11. Beauty fox! That's one less. Well done. Cheers, D.
  12. Did my ankle in Xmas Day but I'll heal. Hope you get the ferret back (and trap) Good luck. Cheers, D.
  13. Talk about how much we take for granted! The first thing I thought when I went over was "shit, that's me grounded for some time" Got it up on the chair now and trying to keep it rested. Looking at being able to take the dogs for exercise at least by Monday. Cheers, D.
  14. Morning mate, went back to A and E today and had the plastercast off. It's not broken thank feck! Have got to keep it raised and rest it but there's very little chance of that happenning after today/tomorrow 'cos I'm bored shitless, don't wan't to hit the beer too much and dogs are only having a couple of miles a day with "her of the mighty sulk" so they are fed up as well. Drove with the cast on yesterday so I should be alright for Sat. Meet is at your favourite pub a few miles down the road from me, but I won't be going as it's never any good there. Will try and do some paperwork toda
  15. Thanks, after the meet I took the few beers option, to help with the pain and relieve the boredom!
  16. Can I watch he Simpsons movie mate, I bust my flinkin foot yestarday (at work and sober) Bugger! Happy Chrimbo!
  17. Had planned to go out with the hounds today. Arranged and everything then yesterday aftrnoon I jumped down the last couple of steps at work and went over on my ankle. Had a cold compress and all but this morning it was swelled up like hell. Quick trip to A and E and now I've got a plaster cast on, dogs are sulking, missus is crammed and I'm severely pissed off as today is my day off! Got to go back tomorrow to have a "real" cast fitted and will be really feeling sorry for myself tomorrow. A very kind friend and neighbour took me to the meet for an hour but I've now got to get used to bein
  18. Paul Blackledges Mc'coy would be almost 30 years old now........
  19. thanks frank for reopening the thread and as u say no slagging matches please, just what your experince with the dogs are like working them on rabbit day and night, hare and fox Merry Christmas mate, you know my views, get whatever suits YOU! Cheers, D.
  20. Again, not too much or the stink will be twice as bad as normal ferret odour. My 3 will share a fish of about 1/2 lb or so but no more than once a week.
  21. Like I said as supplement and not too much/often. Mine also get the odd mackeral when they are in.
  22. Goats milk is real good as a supplement but not too much/often. Cheers, D.
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