When i bought my tow jeep, I said I would rather have a 6CD multichanger than SATNAV as I know where I'm going every time I go out.
Got £100 off the price but never use it unless there's someone with me who knows that shit!
60 nets 5 bunnies you call that decent
I ain't complaining, first time I've been out for 3 weeks due to a foot injury and these ferrets aren't 7 months old yet and were hardly handled till I got them for my buddy about 5 weeks ago.
Took a mate out to try his ferrets I sorted for him several weeks ago.
Pissed with rain for an hour, laid about 60 nets over 4 different buries, got 5 missed 1, decent morning.
Always make the same noise just as you are going to feed them. I always go "tut tut tut tut tut tut " (you get the picture).
They will hopefully associate this sound with food and it makes it easier, IMO to get them to come out of a hole etc.
Hi Mate, if you type "permission letter" into the search box at the top right hand side of the screen when you log in and all should be revealed. Cheers, D.
i started the poll as i was curious what people prefered.. you dont need to spend £1000`s to get a decent unit that will do the job, all depends what your sticking it on.
Night vision is more effective but it's not a spectator sport unless the caddy has NV also.
the only time i put a little slice in the bunnie is when you leave it a while, its harder to do, buck seem a little tough too, but with a little pratice you wont need a knife
There's gonna be sooo many people trying this out soon!
If there's a local(ish) hunt in your area, go along to a few meets. Alternatively go to cattle markets or pony sales.
You'll soon see who the farmers are.
Get to know a few people, talk sensibly and "feel your way in" It takes time and trust to get decent permission.
Good luck