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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. You'll be all over this now ?? Cheers, D.
  2. Just watched first hour, Mrs gone to bed lol I've come on here, still playing in the background. It's ok, sub titles suck. Cheers, D.
  3. I bought an Allegro estate, S reg, prob about 3 years old, did up and down to Cheshire several times with the dog box in the back ? swapped it in for a 1960 Landy, only year it didn't snow in Lancashire ? Cheers, D.
  4. I had a D reg one, was about 2/3 years old. Was a great little motor. When my van was off-road I pulled a trailer and had 5 up inside and it was ? Cheers, D.
  5. Not yet mate, off for five days from tomorrow, I'll do it then. Cheers, D.
  6. Just watched this as well. Hadn't a clue what it was about still I started watching it. Can't give it a rating tbh, the first half hour of this film could have been me and my Mrs for over 20 years. Quite realistic if nothing else. Cheers, D.
  7. Get the tune playing on YouTube, underneath there's a little arrow pointing slightly right that says share, click that then click copy link. Close you tube, come on here and on the reply bit just press the screen and paste should come up, click that then give it a few seconds and it should come up. HTH. Cheers, D.
  8. Seem to recall your older than me pops ?? Cheers, D.
  9. Never left one anywhere except maybe clay shoots. Poor form. I've never had an ejector though ? Cheers, D.
  10. I remember times of stuff by recalling what motor we were in ? Cheers, D.
  11. I heard you went to the dentist to have wisdom teeth put in? ? Cheers, D.
  12. Only got 2 on a plate, rest are all natural. Actually yesterday just booked first appointment since COVID, must be about 2 years since last one. Hate the fuckers but necessary tbh. Cheers, D.
  13. No likes left ??? Cheers, D.
  14. Drink looks nice ??? Cheers, D.
  15. Last night's pork schnitzel, twice cooked spuds.? Cheers, D.
  16. I've got tinted windows on my van, does that count? Cheers, D.
  17. She's 71, this taken 3 years back. I still would ? Cheers, D.
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