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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. dytkos


    Rabbit is, or was the National dish of Malta, Mrs sister was born there (father was stationed there in the Navy). Cheers, D.
  2. I'm still hoping it's Jeremy Clarkson Cheers, D.
  3. What's those claws under the bed? ? Cheers, D.
  4. Rollerball! R.I.P D.
  5. Had a pint on draught a few hours ago. Very nice. Usually drink Tribute but they were cleaning the line. Cheers, D.
  6. Sorry mate, brain f**k, Dartmoor, Mary Tavy and Lever something or other few years back ? Cheers, D.
  7. Pint of Asda milk, don't do em but £1.16 for 2 pints, local Spar, 85p a pint, local petrol station, 90 a pint, motorway services £1+ Different levels of buying power, hence the price differential. Cheers, D.
  8. Yeah I get you but I like BW ? always hope he'll do another classic. Cheers, D.
  9. Cheap, £5.25 in my nearest, ?? Cheers, D.
  10. Just googled it, phew, there's an area of Blackburn called Bank Top, was rough as rats 40 years back lol Cheers, D.
  11. Met up with them a couple of times on Bodmin Moor. Cheers, D.
  12. I did the same several years back with a bloke with a Hungarian Puli it was called Rasta lol Cheers, D.
  13. I use a Striker 170, got filters but don't use them cos they're a faff to get on and off, despite modifications lol, as above, it's all about the dog and fieldcraft. Got a little led red/white led (from D.Lloyd off here) that use for an occasional mooch but the red is better for me (I'm colour blind) cos I can't spot anything with the white ? have no idea whether the dog can tbh but if I can't see them it's pointless Cheers, D.
  14. Depends on the ground you run to compare dogs feet tbh, but I'm agreeing with you ? Cheers, D.
  15. Tbh I thought it was his worst book (ending wise). Cheers, D.
  16. The other side of the coin ? Cheers, D. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/driver-fills-up-three-cars-27371438&ved=2ahUKEwicpbfSm974AhUpQUEAHbQbA3cQFnoECAsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1rb3DhxEsKThkuNJZ7dZvJ
  17. Day to Die: Netflix, 1 hour 40 mins Low budget drug/heist/corrupt cop/ buddy action movie. Another Bruce Willis turkey. 5/10 Cheers, D.
  18. Think that's based on the book by TM Logan. He's a newish British author, writes some excellent, different sort of thrillers, Lies, Trust Me, 29 Seconds, The Catch, all at least 8/10 and well worth a read ? Cheers, D.
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