Pint of Asda milk, don't do em but £1.16 for 2 pints, local Spar, 85p a pint, local petrol station, 90 a pint, motorway services £1+
Different levels of buying power, hence the price differential.
Cheers, D.
I use a Striker 170, got filters but don't use them cos they're a faff to get on and off, despite modifications lol, as above, it's all about the dog and fieldcraft.
Got a little led red/white led (from D.Lloyd off here) that use for an occasional mooch but the red is better for me (I'm colour blind) cos I can't spot anything with the white ? have no idea whether the dog can tbh but if I can't see them it's pointless
Cheers, D.
The other side of the coin ?
Cheers, D.
Think that's based on the book by TM Logan. He's a newish British author, writes some excellent, different sort of thrillers, Lies, Trust Me, 29 Seconds, The Catch, all at least 8/10 and well worth a read ?
Cheers, D.