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Everything posted by dytkos

  1. Love it ?Sid's in Greece atm and his phone can't even receive pics by text ? Cheers, D
  2. I reckon that's about 10 user names, maybe more that dogfox has had, binned off every time for being an absolute bellend but still keeps coming back. Sad, sad fukcer. ? Cheers, D.
  3. My travel highlight when I was Isla's age was a day trip to Calais, my school mates were well jell, nobody from our neighbourhood ever went abroad, unless they'd been in a war ? Cheers, D
  4. Spent 5 days there, early 90s, did the full on tourist thing, all expenses paid ? Still spent £1100 lol NY is amazing but once is enough tbh. Cheers, D.
  5. Wrong way round lol Cheers, D.
  6. You may well be right mate, this fecker is still like a puppy, he will come, heel, sit, stay, jump all on command but sometimes still bounds when he's on the lamp! And the noises he makes when I come in, you'd think I'd been away a week, not just up to the shop ? Cheers, D.
  7. Unless they do a lap of honour with the rabbits they catch like mine is still doing at 2 years old ? Cheers, D.
  8. Has Wolfdog hacked your account ? Cheers, ,D.
  9. dytkos


    Sure i've posted before but when we were away on holiday the girls at work made friends with a jack, 20 years back, we walked back through the back drive and the terrier nailed it. Cheers, D.
  10. @DIDO.1 Frilly eggs! Worse than your peas. Cheers, D.
  11. Bullet train was a couple of hours decent entertainment you miserable twat ? Cheers, D.
  12. I love the difference between the Lancashire racism and the Yorkshire racism, it's "tha" instead of "thi" Cheers, D.
  13. Glad I didn't get a mention ?? Cheers, D.
  14. Just for the music nerds (I'm one) did anybody else know that "Gangstas" was based on Pastime Paradise, a track from Stevie Wonder's 1976 album Songs from the Key of Life? Cheers, D
  15. He's managing Huddersfield again. Cheers, D.
  16. No! We had one, if you bang it on the tap when your going to fill it, (no specs on) they smash ? Cheers, D.
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